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What was the last concert you went to?

Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:39 pm

...and was it good?

for me it was a local band called the Ready Steady Go. ask me in 1 week and it'll be Ok Go.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:41 pm

*thinks* I haven't been to a concert in a while.

Aha! It was a local show at this venue. (that is now closed down and is a retirment home...sigh) Most of the bands there were just bands from local high schools, and my cousin's friend had his band Dingus there too. It was fun, I loved it. Wish that place was still open, I really miss it.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:47 pm

About 2 weeks ago I went to see the PHENOMENAL B.B. King. The King of the Blues. It was absolutely nuts!!! That man blew my mind.

Before that, I guess it would be the Tegan and Sara concert in February which was also absolutely rocking!

Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:00 pm

Tuxedo Tomcats at icehouse.
They're my friend's band, so I was more obligated to go than anything.

The only bands I really enjoy that I've been to recently are Spector45 and Front Line Attack.

Going to another tomcats show tomorrow.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:03 pm

The last one I went to was Chicago at the Verizon wireless ampitheatre in Kansas. It was pretty good, they are decent live. But what i'm really looking forward to and might post a review of here is Muse, i'm going to see them May 1st with my boyfriend. We earned the money together, he called it an early bday present hehe. I think it's going to be very cool.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:32 pm

The last one I went to was Evanescence back in July- my sister bought the tickets so I decided to follow along.

There was also a free concert my sister and I went to- some poppish Canadian acts which I wasn't very fond of (Sky, Lillix, Shawn Desman- we missed out Sky, but whatever). My sister liked them though. >_>

Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:50 pm

The last concert I went to... **thinks** was in... 2003... I need to get out more x_x

It was massively fun, a ton of different bands (none any of you would've heard of). What made it the most fun was that it was outdoors... and it poured down rain the whole time. There was about an inch of water on the pavement everywhere, so we couldn't even sit down. We had to stand the whole time, with our umbrellas. But we were near the very front, and it was miserable, but amazingly fun.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:05 am

I've never been to a concert, because my city doesn't have a large enough venue for current bands I like, my favorite bands are long broken up or dead, and I'm not old enough to get into the bars and clubs where local bands play.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:28 am

last one i went to was the Delays.
didnt get in mind you, the doorman (may he forever burn) decided i couldnt go in because i wasnt old enough, the fact that i was on the guest list didnt matter evidently (my sister works for the Delays' record companie and got us on the guestlist, on a side note she then invited them to sunday luch the next day :p)

however, next wednesday im going to the 36 crazyfists cpncert in nottingham's "rock city" im 18 this time, so i should be ok.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:44 am

Went to one last night, as a matter of fact.

It was mostly just terrible local Christian screamo bands, but there were two that had no screaming and they were pretty good. One even had a female bass player who was also the lead singer. Too bad she had a kind of annoying voice.. other than that, they were pretty good!

I'm new to the whole concert scene.. so humor me, but am I the only one that finds moshing absolutely hilarious? [to watch - I don't believe I'd be caught dead actually participating.]

Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:04 am

I guess the Raining Jane and Faculty Lounge (all professor band that is very popular at my school) concert about a month ago could be considered the last concert I went to, because Raining Jane is a very talented independent band that is doing a lot of touring right now.

The student activities committee at my school tries to bring a major act to campus once a semester (last semester was a comedian instead of musician), and that is really the only way I have ever seen concerts (yeah, I lived a sheltered life!...more like the acts I liked tended to only come to Philly on weekdays). Last spring, the SAC concert was Fuel and Breaking Benjamin. Fuel was good, and one of my professors is the father of one of the members of Breaking Benjamin, so that was cool.

This semester's SAC concert is Gin Blossoms and Blessid Union of Souls, but unfortunately, I have an orchestra rehearsal that night.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:22 am

Concert Concert? Last year, my friend had an extra ticket (which was given to my other friend firend first, but she was grounded).

Semi-concert? I was at this dance thing, and a band played in another room if you cared enough to listen.

But that room had free food in it. I was there for quite sometime

Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:29 am

On March 16, 2005, I attended the One Tree Hill tour concert here, featuring Tyler Hilton, and The Wreckers. The Wreckers is comprised of Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp. It kicked major booty. Michelle Branch owns all. Hands down.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:40 am

The last concert I would have been to would have been one of those Christmas Carol ones in 1998 while we were on holiday in New Zealand. It was alright, we had a few friends around so that always makes it infinitely better. Plus, I did get to see one of my favourite actresses at the time sing "Silent Night" (if I remember correctly) - Lucy Lawless.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:42 am

Umm...it was beginning of March, and I went to see Dropkick Murphys. Just a few days before that I went to see Lemon Jelly. ^_^

Next gig in a few weeks is The Hives. :D
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