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Spring Concert! Woo!

Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:52 am

Tomorrow's my school's spring concert. We have a good selection of songs, a nice flute duet, and a nifty percussion ensemble, but...

...the rehersal that we had earier tonight was awful! Thankfully much of it probably was just people getting used to the acoustics of the stage, but even with that excuse it was bad.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:59 am

In drama world, we always say that a crappy dress rehersal means an AWESOME opening night.

I don't know if it applies in your crazy music world, but break a leg in any case.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:23 pm

coming2atvnearu wrote:In drama world, we always say that a crappy dress rehersal means an AWESOME opening night.

I don't know if it applies in your crazy music world, but break a leg in any case.

Actually, it usually does. Our short rehersal during school today went wonderfully!

Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:24 pm

Then you're doomed ;)

Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:28 pm

Igg wrote:Then you're doomed ;)

Yup, that's how it goes. Our winter concert rehearsal went so badly. But then our performance was the best we had ever played. I don't know how that works but it does.
Our spring concert is doomed no matter how bad our rehearsal will be. We perform in 3 weeks and we're pretty bad. pretty bad indeed. in my opinion at least

Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:13 pm

Heh, bad rehearsals usually mean worse performances in my school's case. For example, we rehearsed right before our band trip- I was responsible for a loud, loud off-tempo clatter then silence through hitting the gong, knocking it over, then not having enough time to rush over to the other percussion instruments to play the rest of my parts. Then on the band trip, the entire percussion section went off-tempo... and it only got worse as the concerts went on. :P

Meh, I'm rambling again. Have fun with the concert! I'm sure you guys won't go through the same thing as we did, haha.

Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:26 am

Well, it went extremely well! Aside froma small fumble neat the end, I nailed all of my solos. The rest of the band did very well too.
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