Discuss music in any form from rock bands to Britney Spears' latest VMA performance. It's all good!
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Sun May 15, 2005 9:44 pm

Anyone else a fan? At all?

I'm personally uber-obsessed. But then again, I'm a freak, especially when it comes to music.

Tue May 17, 2005 4:21 pm

I like the song 'Sail Away' by her. I think that's what it's called.

Tue May 17, 2005 4:30 pm

Fidds likes Enya.

I can take it or leave it but too much of it is baaad.

Tue May 17, 2005 5:54 pm

i_love_starburst wrote:I like the song 'Sail Away' by her. I think that's what it's called.

Actually, it's called Orinoco Flow, but most peole call it Sail Away.

I'm dissapointed. I thought We'd find at least one other fan here. Besides Fidds, I guess.

Tue May 17, 2005 5:57 pm

i_love_starburst wrote:I like the song 'Sail Away' by her. I think that's what it's called.

Yiss, yiss, orinoco flow, that one is. My FAV singer, of course. :) But you knew that, Req. After all, you're the one that got me hooked on her!

Tue May 17, 2005 5:58 pm

Tryske Rainbreeze wrote:
i_love_starburst wrote:I like the song 'Sail Away' by her. I think that's what it's called.

Yiss, yiss, orinoco flow, that one is. My FAV singer, of course. :) But you knew that, Req. After all, you're the one that got me hooked on her!

And, naturally, thou shalt thank me for all eternity. :D

Wed May 18, 2005 4:28 am

.:Requiem:. wrote:
Tryske Rainbreeze wrote:
i_love_starburst wrote:I like the song 'Sail Away' by her. I think that's what it's called.

Yiss, yiss, orinoco flow, that one is. My FAV singer, of course. :) But you knew that, Req. After all, you're the one that got me hooked on her!

And, naturally, thou shalt thank me for all eternity. :D

Indeed I shall! Enya will one day RULE THE WORLD!! Muahahaha! :)

Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:45 pm

Chachacha. Enya rocks. My dad randomly gave me a tape of hers and I said, "Ooh thanks." I listened, and t3h wow.

Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:10 pm

I've never heard any of her music, besides the Lord of the Rings soundtrack and a couple of adverts on ClassicFM, and I think I probbaly will lke here, but one think that I know is that she has an amazing voice.

Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:02 am

Me me me! I'm a fan ^__^

Orinoco flow is my fave classic Enya song. The remix with Prodigy is quite good too.

My favorite album is A Day without Rain. Flora's Secret and Silver Inches are my favorite songs on that album.

As for her new album Amarantine... I bought it when it came out but I'm still having mixed feelings about it. Overall it's not as catchy as A Day without Rain. Loxian is quite interesting though.

Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:42 am

Enya is awesome <3

The only song I've actually listened to is Only Time, though >P

Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:04 am

I like some of Enya's songs and I think she has a good voice. :)

I particularly like May It Be, but I haven't really listened to any of her other songs recently.

Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:34 am

I love Enya. Of course, I like Celtic music in general. I'm particularly fond of "Only Time" and "Tempus Vernum". The latter sounds like a druid chant.

Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:43 am

Igg wrote:Fidds likes Enya.

I can take it or leave it but too much of it is baaad.

*shows up to speak for self*

Yes, I like Enya. Anybody who has a problem with that may line up for punches in the face.

Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:40 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:
Igg wrote:Fidds likes Enya.

I can take it or leave it but too much of it is baaad.

*shows up to speak for self*

Yes, I like Enya. Anybody who has a problem with that may line up for punches in the face.

Pfft, you have no independent thought :P

Bring it on.
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