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what? no reading festical thread?

Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:50 pm

only had the one day entry myself (woohoo for sisters working in record companies :P ) but it was amazing :)
especially the extortianate pricing on. well. everything.

dave grohl (spelling? foo-fighters frontman) played the drums for the first time at reading in Thirteen year's in a Tribute to Kirt cobain (yeah, awful with names) sinner-or-winner man had given up already (youll know who i mean if youve ever been down oxford street) and i was offered a whip-round the office by my sister if i could hit kate-moss with a bottle.
(didnt try as it happens, way to far out even if she were serious)

Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:59 am

I'm not sure that many people went, love.

For me the line up wasn't great, although damn it, I would've given my right arm to see The Pixies.

Sinner or Winner man is fantastic, though. I'm always pleased to find people who know of him, particularly as I'm not actually from London. :P

Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:12 am

I was supposed to be going yesterday but we couldn't get a lift down in the end and there was only one train going all day and that was too late
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:38 pm

one train?
shouldve gotten a coach the day before, is what i did (then spent seven hours on a coach that stopped for an hour at nottingham. northhampton. oxford. that got old pretty quickly)

there were a lot more people than previous years (ofcourse my sisters friend got called "old and scary" at 22.
admitedly because she was listening to a band (who? i dont know.) and could remember them from when she was there age.
ya know, it may have been the foo fighters? o_O that was about eleven years ago.

Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:23 pm

Setekh wrote:one train?
shouldve gotten a coach the day before, is what i did (then spent seven hours on a coach that stopped for an hour at nottingham. northhampton. oxford. that got old pretty quickly)

there were a lot more people than previous years (ofcourse my sisters friend got called "old and scary" at 22.
admitedly because she was listening to a band (who? i dont know.) and could remember them from when she was there age.
ya know, it may have been the foo fighters? o_O that was about eleven years ago.

I had a thing called work the day before, I struggled to get the Sunday off there was no way I was getting the Saturday off aswell

Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:04 pm

*cough* im afraid im ill :P
seriously though, that does kinda suck :(
still, ive heard there were pretty serious riots sunday night/monday morning.
wont go into the details of what purportedly happened (id not heard anything before now, so im inclined to think its jsut a guard who got layed off or somthing o_O )

Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:23 am

Setekh wrote:*cough* im afraid im ill :P
seriously though, that does kinda suck :(
still, ive heard there were pretty serious riots sunday night/monday morning.
wont go into the details of what purportedly happened (id not heard anything before now, so im inclined to think its jsut a guard who got layed off or somthing o_O )

There are always riots on the last night of a festival it's tradition
Although it really sucked at Download this year we wern't allowed our camp fire because of the riots and it was freeeeeezing on the Sunday night
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