Discuss music in any form from rock bands to Britney Spears' latest VMA performance. It's all good!
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Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:23 am

Does anyone here listen to them?

Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:54 pm

Guster is a great band! I got hooked on them way back in high school. I have 2 of their CDs, which are both excellent. I've heard from friends that they're great live too.


Sun Jun 18, 2006 7:41 pm

Guster is awsome! I am trying to introduce them to my buds and family. I really like the drummer because he plays with his hands. Everyone should know about them. I give them a eight out of ten rating.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:35 am

I saw Guster at my (now former) college this April, and I did enjoy it. They are a fun band to see live. I broke my foot the next night, though, so the week in general is a bit tarnished in my memory!

Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:51 pm

Aw, I love Guster! I'll (HOPEFULLY) be seeing them at the Austin City Limits Music Festival this September! Hopefully. Silly dad still hasn't ordered tickets and they're running out now.

Anyway, Guster! I'm a relatively new fan. I liked that song "Amsterdam" but never bothered to buy a CD 'til last month when the new one came out. I absolutely love the new CD. Can't wait to see these guys!
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