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Song hunt!

Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:28 pm

I heard this great song in a trailer the other day, or at least that part of it was great. Smooth and calm guitar and a man wih low voice.
But the thing is that I can't seem to find the lyrics and therefore can't get the tabs/chords for the guitar.
So I'm wondering if you guys could help me out.
The only lyrics you can hear in the trailer goes something like
"Crazy, just waiting for someone to open me"

The thing is, I'm not really sure about what the movie is called either, but it's one of those romantic movies when the guy proposes on the top of Empire Stat building and all.
It's a pretty new movie as well, maximum 4 months I'd say.

That narrows down my search pretty much.
So does anyone know the name of this song?

I've tried googling it but with no results.

Thanks in advance!

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