Hey well just to say that me and my whole class do this cool video thing on youtube check it out just type in SuperHotCrew if you're wondering why we have such a big headed kind of name well it's because our form is called 7SH and our P.R teacher is all like hey i know why you're called SH it's because you're super hot today.So then that's our name.Anyway if you got any recommendations or if you want us to see your awesome vids then just say,and if there's any new music videos again feel free to speak out.
So check out SuperHotCrew
http://www.youtube.com/user/SuperHotCrewCheck out Shane Daweson he is AWESOME!!BTW-It's got swearing
http://www.youtube.com/user/ShaneDawsonTV he's got 2 channel's but it's kinda the same.
New Song!-Don't trust me by 3OH!3
Last edited by
Cheesy_Chend on Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.