Sports discussion. Towel whipping is strictly prohibited. It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.
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Well.. This is awesome.

Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:47 am

Okay, I live in New Mexico. There is rarely any sports news at all in new Mexico so this got me really excited.

One day I was noticing how well the University of New mexico was doing in college basketball.. Their 10-1 right now.

I decided to check their schedule.. To see if they played anybody who would bolster their rankings. Well it happens that they do play a good opponent this year. Wake Forest. 5th in the nation.
And it happens tomorrow.

The coolest thing, is I'm going to see that game. :D:D:D

I'm so happy over it. I get to see Chris Paul live. I never see any sports things. This is huge for me.

On a lighter note, I am pleased to know that my favorite NBA team, the Phoenix Suns,. is doing so well.

What I'm trying to ask is, what's the coolest sports game you have ever seen? In person?

Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:05 am

Are those seperate questions? o_O


The best one I've seen in person is definitely a Rangers game back some 6+ years ago. They ended up rallying from a two or so run deficit to win. It was so long ago, so I'm a bit fuzzy about all of the details.

The best game I've seen? It would probably be the Stars game six victory in triple overtime to win the Stanley Cup. Probably because I'm a huge Stars fan, eh? ;)

Other than that, the Team USA soccer team had some good games back in the '02 World Cup (first game vs. Portugal and the first playoff game against Mexico).


Haven't been paying much attention to college basketball, but I assume that should be a good game tomorrow. If I remember correctly, Wake Forest was ranked #1 before they lost to Illinois.

Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:20 am

Yeah, it was supposed to be two seperate questions. Shoulda made it more clear. :D

And yeah.. My dad is a huge Illinois fan and he was pacing when he found out they had to play #1 Wake. :D
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