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Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:13 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:
Leafie wrote:I watched it .. my friend and I were the only girls watching the movie, and when we were walking out, everyone stared at us like we were freaks. xD

It wasn't too bad, I suppose. But I really hated the 'eighth millenium item' - it makes it sound like some Mary-Sue fanfiction.

I know. The show was designed for 7 milenuim items, and we still don't know each of the people who own one. That I know of, anyway.

Yes we do!

Eye: Pegasus, but Bakura took it.
Puzzle: Yugi.
Rod: Marik, but gave it to Yugi.
Necklace: Marik's sister, but gave it to Yugi (he's lucky :o )
Scale & Key: Guardian of the items.
Ring: Bakura

But if Yugi gets ALL the items, then doesn't he control the world? After all, that's why Bakura is collecting them.

Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:15 pm

I actually saw It once with my family, then saw it again with my friend, who has a crush on Jounouchi/Joey. Weird.

It was actually pretty good. The reason it got the PG rating I think was when Yugi got stabbed in the back.

Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:03 pm

Chaud wrote:
DM was on fire! wrote:
Leafie wrote:I watched it .. my friend and I were the only girls watching the movie, and when we were walking out, everyone stared at us like we were freaks. xD

It wasn't too bad, I suppose. But I really hated the 'eighth millenium item' - it makes it sound like some Mary-Sue fanfiction.

I know. The show was designed for 7 milenuim items, and we still don't know each of the people who own one. That I know of, anyway.

Yes we do!

Eye: Pegasus, but Bakura took it.
Puzzle: Yugi.
Rod: Marik, but gave it to Yugi.
Necklace: Marik's sister, but gave it to Yugi (he's lucky :o )
Scale & Key: Guardian of the items.
Ring: Bakura

But if Yugi gets ALL the items, then doesn't he control the world? After all, that's why Bakura is collecting them.

Actually, last I heard, Bakura gave the eye to Kaiba. o_o And now Yuugi has the ring and the eye. XD (I've only seen screenies, so don't quote me on it.)

And the 8th Milenium ticked me off too. How are they gonna explain it when...wait, do they even show the items being made in the anime? e_e;; (They do in the manga...)

Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:35 pm

Chaud wrote:
DM was on fire! wrote:
Leafie wrote:I watched it .. my friend and I were the only girls watching the movie, and when we were walking out, everyone stared at us like we were freaks. xD

It wasn't too bad, I suppose. But I really hated the 'eighth millenium item' - it makes it sound like some Mary-Sue fanfiction.

I know. The show was designed for 7 milenuim items, and we still don't know each of the people who own one. That I know of, anyway.

Yes we do!

Eye: Pegasus, but Bakura took it.
Puzzle: Yugi.
Rod: Marik, but gave it to Yugi.
Necklace: Marik's sister, but gave it to Yugi (he's lucky :o )
Scale & Key: Guardian of the items.
Ring: Bakura

But if Yugi gets ALL the items, then doesn't he control the world? After all, that's why Bakura is collecting them.

I get really confused (xD) over those items now. I think Bakura lost the Eye and the Ring to Malik, who in turn surrendered them to Yugi. And I read somewhere that Seto has the Rod now .. something about him being the High Priest. o0;

And as Malik said once, there are ancient powers beyond those of the Millenium Items .. -scary music-

Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:50 pm

I don't think Seto has the rod. . .

and SPOILER if it's the same in the anime as it is in the manga...

Yugi gets all the items, but they're destroyed so Yami can go, er, rest in peace. It was pretty sad. D':

JasEdit: Please use the smaller type size for spoilers incase someone doesn't want to read them. Thank you. :)

Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:00 am

I don't think he does now .. but didn't he have it back in Ancient Egypt?

It's hard to keep up with Yu-Gi-Oh when all I have is the American dub. o_O

Mon Sep 13, 2004 12:03 am

Oh, yeah, back in Acient Egypt Seth had the rod. :3

Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:38 am

Oh yes....Bakura loses his ring to Malik in a duel on the blimp. I forgot. Good thing he had a part of him in Yugi's puzzle. What about the eye? He didn't lose THAT I think....and he can't use it because Shadi will sense the misplace of the items.

Yugi gets stabbed? Yami or normal? By who?

Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:21 am

I don't get the whole misplacing thing. The items have switched hands so many times, they don't really have a destined owner, do they? Unless they'll all go to Yugi ..

Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:48 am

The offical movie website. It's got the sountrack, trailer, and some screenshots.
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