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Magic Knight Rayearth-What did you think of it?

Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:23 pm

Okay, I saw the anime on dvd AGES ago, and fell in love with it...dunno why, I just did. XD

I relized there are two types of people; you either hated MKRE After watching it, or loved it. So, I was wondering what you all thought of it. ^^'

Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:51 pm

As I've only seen the OAV and not the series, it reminded me of one of those 'Movies in 30 seconds' things as it was all rushed and unexplained.

Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:06 pm

I liked the first part of MKR both the anime and manga (It was a good step into other CLAMP works), but tended to ignore the second part.

Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:19 pm

MKR was one of my first mangas. :) I love it muchly. I wasn't quite expecting the ending, though. That was a bit odd. Tim got me the anime dvd box sets for Christmas, but we haven't gotten a chance to watch them yet.

Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:22 am

MKR is one of my favorite series. Okay, the first season makes it one of my favorites. The second season I really disliked, mainly because I cannot stand Hikaru. I've a tendancy to dislike main characters, and it was especially strong with her. ^_- On the other hand, Nova was really spiffy. I kept thinking of her while watching Noir. For some reason I associate her and Chloe.

Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:23 am

Wow, a lot more people like MKRE then I thought! :D I don't feel like and oddball anymore. ^^;

I've read the first manga or so if the second season...dunno much about it. *shrugs* Looks interesting though.
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