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Kare Kano?

Sun Jul 10, 2005 1:38 am

Very cute manga's a romance...*squeels*

It's actually really hystarical though xD


Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:58 am

It's an old series, the manga's still continung but I believe the anime's been discontinued... I remember watching a few episodes... It was really funny, considering it came from the author of Evanglion :P

Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:04 pm

I'm about halfway through it. It really is cute. It can be a little overdramatic at times but it is definately one of the most amusing series I've ever seen.

Sun Jul 10, 2005 3:29 pm

I've seen part of the anime and enjoyed it, but I've never read any of the manga, at least not yet. Once I find another job, and my husband does the same, I think we're going on an anime and manga spree.

I still need to finish the anime. I think the biggest drawback is that there are a lot of episodes on each disk (5 or 6, right?) Since I rent all of my anime before buying it, and the place I rent from only has one day rental, it's sometimes hard to finish it all, especially if I want to rent something else as well. So I tend to stay away from the disks with the most episodes, because I know I won't get through them all. Which means shows like Kare Kano and Marmalade Boy keep getting left on the shelf, even though I'm dying to finish them.

Tue Jul 12, 2005 1:49 pm

I've only read the manga and only up to volume 4. I plan on buying some more, since I think it's absolutely adorable. :3 The characters in it are so cute, and I espicially like the little doggy. I think his name is Perro Perro, or something like that.
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