Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:54 am
Tue Jan 17, 2006 3:08 pm
Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:21 pm
AnonAngel wrote:Is it impossible to say someone's name in anime/Japanese without adding something on the end? I've had to figure out for myself what the added-on bits mean (as far as I can tell, things like "-who-is-a-little-one" and "-who-is-my-teacher".)
How do people get green hair?
Why are some of the theme tunes in rather bizarre English, when the dialogue is in Japanese (with English subtitles)? I've found the words to a few on line. Every WORD makes sense, but when you put them together, it's gobbledegook.
Is every anime society full of character-pairing-conspiracy-theorists, or is that just mine?
What is Gundam? Finalists and Masters' students keep mentioning it in my presence then saying "ah, you're too young of course."
Do Japanese anime viewers go crazy over beautiful scenery? Last term we had a 60-second stretch of just this girl walking down a scenic mountain path. Nothing actually happened.
While on study leave for my A-levels (or, more accurately, on avoiding-study leave for my A-levels) I ended up at the local uni library watching an anime series called, if I remember rightly, Détective Conan! in French. I got hooked: it looks as if it ought to be a worldwide success. Yet when I searched the 'Net, the only sites I could find on it were in foreign languages, and nobody at ANIMEsoc recognises the name. Have Americans/Brits heard of it or not? If not, why not? (If you want the plot, tell me.)
And on a similar note: why isn't anime more well known than it is? We're one of the biggest universities in the country and ANIMEsoc only has 27-ish members on a good night. I've had responses ranging from "What, like Pokémon?" through "Enemy socks? What the heck are enemy socks?" to "Anime?... Isn't that pornographic/illegal?"
Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:20 pm
Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:08 pm
Christopher wrote:Japanese can speak English. Except when they sing. Or talk to each other.
Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:03 pm
Christopher wrote:Japanese can speak English. Except when they sing. Or talk to each other.
Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:15 pm
AnonAngel wrote:While on study leave for my A-levels (or, more accurately, on avoiding-study leave for my A-levels) I ended up at the local uni library watching an anime series called, if I remember rightly, Détective Conan! in French. I got hooked: it looks as if it ought to be a worldwide success. Yet when I searched the 'Net, the only sites I could find on it were in foreign languages, and nobody at ANIMEsoc recognises the name. Have Americans/Brits heard of it or not? If not, why not? (If you want the plot, tell me.)
Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:20 pm
AnonAngel wrote:Detective Conan is a very popular anime in Germany and France and some more European countries. In the United States, however, they changed the title to Case Closed. I have no idea why they did, though. Don't ask me.
Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:56 pm
Christopher wrote:Anime clubs are often terrible. All you need is your own computer.
Detective Conan is one of the most boring and boring and boring anime I've ever seen.
Japanese can speak English. Except when they sing. Or talk to each other.
Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:21 pm
Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:21 pm
Cyanna wrote:AnonAngel wrote:Detective Conan is a very popular anime in Germany and France and some more European countries. In the United States, however, they changed the title to Case Closed. I have no idea why they did, though. Don't ask me.
I think it's because the title was at odds with Conan the Barbarian, which is an old TV show, and old animated series and an older movie. So they changed it to avoid a lawsuit.