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One Piece

Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:01 pm

I have an unhealthy obsession with Kingdom Hearts as well as One Piece. Does anybody else but me find this swashbuckling anime of sea-worthy tales awesome? The English versions of the show have been dubbed and edited, which also is the reason they have very bad puns. *Anime Sweatdrop* I've watched the Japanese version on You Tube, and it's actually alot better, then again most of the original versions of anime are.

Wed Jun 28, 2006 5:11 am

I luuuuuuuurve One Piece. :D (Assuming we're talking about the un-tampered with version. I know it's pretty common to say dubs are horrid and such, but in One Piece's's 210% true. 4Kids absolutely ruined certain scenes for me with clumsy editing and poor voice actor selection.)

Probably my favorite aspect of One Piece is the main characters. Luffy's fantastic, and so is his crew. :) Not only are they likable, but have interesting backstories as well. It makes them fun to watch even between story arcs; even when they're just goofing off, they're funny.

Big Kingdom Hearts fan here, too. It's interesting to see two radically different art styles (Disney's and Square's) juxtaposed. In this case, not only does it work, it works <i>amazingly well.</i>

Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:17 pm

I recently went to an anime convention in the northern part of the state where I live and I actually cosplayed as Nami from One Piece. I cannot even begin to tell anyone what my friends' reactions were when they saw my hair dyed a bright tangerine orange. :roflol:

Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:19 am

My best friend is obsessed with Onepiece! Her fav char. being Snaji. I read #1 in the manga series and thought it was pretty funny (how could it not?), but pirates aren't really my thing :)

Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:13 pm

I could simply not get into one piece, i guess its just not my type of anime...

Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:38 pm

I agree with Jax.

The art in it just seems so weird. Their faces and stuff is creepy... And their arms just dont have any shape to them ><
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