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Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:07 pm

Shoelace wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:I was thinking a little while ago, about the 7 Horcruxes.

1. Voldemort
2. Tom Riddle's diary
3. Marvolo Gaunt's ring
4. Salazar Slytherin's locket
5. Helga Hufflepuff's cup
6. Nagini
7. ????

Any theories about what the last Horcrux is?

I have a theory! It's in Harry! By accident maybe.
I have no idea where I got that from, but it would be cool. Harry would have to like banish the bit of soul from himself or something.

I really like that idea. It just seems like the type of thing that J.K. Rowling would write too! So in order to destroy Voldemort, he has to destroy himself.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:34 pm

Twinkle wrote:
Shoelace wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:I was thinking a little while ago, about the 7 Horcruxes.

1. Voldemort
2. Tom Riddle's diary
3. Marvolo Gaunt's ring
4. Salazar Slytherin's locket
5. Helga Hufflepuff's cup
6. Nagini
7. ????

Any theories about what the last Horcrux is?

I have a theory! It's in Harry! By accident maybe.
I have no idea where I got that from, but it would be cool. Harry would have to like banish the bit of soul from himself or something.

I really like that idea. It just seems like the type of thing that J.K. Rowling would write too! So in order to destroy Voldemort, he has to destroy himself.

Please, let Harry not be a Horcrux. It would be too sad, and I want him to actually do something after killingVoldemort.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:08 pm

Couldn't be. It would mean that Voldie would be able to exert some control over Harry, I.E.: Like with Nagini.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:17 pm

When I was thinking, I thought that Harry Potter would be the Horcrux. They were trophies of Voldermort's murders, and what better as a trophy to the murder of his parent's murders? (Harry's parents.)

Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:50 pm

But then if Harry was a horcrux, and he had to kill himself, then he'd be dead. and the prophecy says he has to kill voldemort. so that could prove to be a problem

Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:53 pm

It really makes no sense to me that Harry could be a horcrux. I mean, he was trying to kill Harry. After he tried to AK him, even though it didn't work Voldy was really in no condition to make Harry one on an afterthought either.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:39 pm

oh yeah, he wanted harry dead. but he could have done it by accident, of course. but since he knows some of his horcruxes are destryoed, couldn't he just make more of them? and if 7 is super magical, wouldn't 77 be twice as good? or 777, 7777, 7._7^10*infinity? it would be pretty crazy if he had masses of them. but since they destroyed a few, it's no longer 7 of them, and therefore the magicality if the number is gone

Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:14 pm

I just finished reading and I am not sure I am very happy with how this book turned out. I was mostly disappointed with how Snape's charactor turned out, although we did have warnings, I always hoped he would redeem himself. I guess it is much much too late for that, but part of me wants to believe that part of Snape is still good. That he didn't know what he was agreeing too when he made the Unbreakable Vow or that perhaps he did love Draco like a son and didn't want to see him and his family die, so he did what Draco couldn't. That wouldn't be a very noble thing really, but I guess it would be better than anything.

What happened to the Vanishing Cabinents and can they still be used to get in Hogwarts?

I see the next book as being very dark and Harry being alone, probably nearly disappearing from Wizarding Society altogether. He will be so obsessed with finding those other Horcruxes and I Think once he finds those and if he does, he won't have anyone with him. I'd like to see his friends helping him or keeping track somehow of his progress, but I think in the end if he does manage to destroy Voldemort, he will be the only one who knows about it for a while, unless fireworks go off or a general good feeling is in the air once more. Harry might not even want to go back. Maybe he will kill Voldemort and just stay hidden, or fake his own death or even live as a muggle.

But sadly, I really think Harry himself is a Horcrux and that once he finds out even an infinitesimal part of Voldemort exists within his on self, he won't be able to live with himself. I really really hate to see the book end that way though.

And I say once again, Harry Potter is definately not a childrens book. It scared me and I am an adult.
And the whole first half of the book was just snogging and kids trying to make each other jealous. I guess it had to be done, but I was never a relationshiper really and I couldn't wait to get to the meat of the book. Maybe all the snogging and relationships ARE the meat of the book to you, but I always knew at least Harry wouldn't want to love a girl and have Voldemort use her against him. It is too dangerous and it didn't surprise me at all that he tried to tell Ginny goodbye.

And I know he has to go back to the Dursleys once more, but I don't see the point really. I figure after all this he definately isn't going to take anything from Vernon or the rest of them. They better worry about getting on his nerves. I am disappointed that we have to wait until book seven to find out more about Lily and Petunias relationship. But I figure once Petunia finds out that Dumbledore is dead and how much danger Harry is in, she may crack and reveal something more. I don't know what will happen while Harry visits them, but it is going to be interesting.

Also does anyone want to see Draco redeemed? He didn't want to kill Dumbledore. I think he is really a scared little boy. Sure he has his prejudices, has called people names and bullied people, but he never killed anyone. I think he must be trapped and maybe he wants out of it all. But he had a chance. If he hadn't tried to crucio Harry when Harry found him crying, maybe Harry could have helped him. If only he had told Harry why he was crying it could have turned out much differently. I am willing to bet if he had asked for forgivness then, and help escaping Voldemort, Harry would have forgiven him. Harry is like that.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:01 pm

matchbow wrote:But then if Harry was a horcrux, and he had to kill himself, then he'd be dead. and the prophecy says he has to kill voldemort. so that could prove to be a problem

No it doesn't. It says neither can live while the other survives.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:38 pm

If neither can live while the other survives then harry can't be a horcrux, surely- because while he lives, Voldemort could always survive.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:14 pm

Well maybe if Harry is a Horcrux he would destroy all the Horcruxes except for himself and Voldemort, then kill Voldemort, then kill himself?

And if it's true that neither can live while the other survives, since they're both surviving, that means they both can't be living, can it?

I dunno, I'm really confused right now o_o

Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:54 pm

But in the book it says that it was one of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's items. Sure do I think so that much, no but that is what the book said. But the book also said Snape was good, well Dumbledore. Can't believe he died, I finished the book last night. It was so sad. Just glad Hagrid and Fang didn;t die.

Proffesor Trelawney made the prophecy, and as you know all aren't always correct. Maybe Snape is a Horcruz, just a thought.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:01 pm

jabond102 wrote:But in the book it says that it was one of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's items. Sure do I think so that much, no but that is what the book said. But the book also said Snape was good, well Dumbledore. Can't believe he died, I finished the book last night. It was so sad. Just glad Hagrid and Fang didn;t die.

Proffesor Trelawney made the prophecy, and as you know all aren't always correct. Maybe Snape is a Horcruz, just a thought.

I really really really really doubt that Snape is a Horcrux.

And even though Trelawney made the prophecy it was one of the only real ones she's ever made. That and when Harry was taking his Divination final in the third book, she went into some kinda trance remember?

Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:04 pm

fzun wrote:
jabond102 wrote:But in the book it says that it was one of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's items. Sure do I think so that much, no but that is what the book said. But the book also said Snape was good, well Dumbledore. Can't believe he died, I finished the book last night. It was so sad. Just glad Hagrid and Fang didn;t die.

Proffesor Trelawney made the prophecy, and as you know all aren't always correct. Maybe Snape is a Horcruz, just a thought.

I really really really really doubt that Snape is a Horcrux.

And even though Trelawney made the prophecy it was one of the only real ones she's ever made. That and when Harry was taking his Divination final in the third book, she went into some kinda trance remember?

I know Snape wouldn't be one :). But Tralawney didn't go in a trance in front of Dumbledore I think at least not. I wonder how Dumbledore got his hand burnt, it never said though. The locket though may not be destroyed, I wish the seventh book was out horcruxes are confusing.

Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:04 pm

matchbow wrote:oh yeah, he wanted harry dead. but he could have done it by accident, of course. but since he knows some of his horcruxes are destryoed, couldn't he just make more of them? and if 7 is super magical, wouldn't 77 be twice as good? or 777, 7777, 7._7^10*infinity? it would be pretty crazy if he had masses of them. but since they destroyed a few, it's no longer 7 of them, and therefore the magicality if the number is gone

7 is the number of death, the number by which all deaths occure (myth says that the number seven is important in all deaths)
multiples are sufficent to gain power over death, but 7 itself has the most power.

and for the record, the Power of the seven (the seven aspects of life and death for example) isnt broken until all seven are destroyed.
stupid ancient numerology, not one the best things i could do with remebering to such an indepth level.
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