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Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:21 am

currently reading one of the ones by neil garmian (sp?) its pretty good, unfortunately i have to buy them, since i read them ages ago.. but people keep stealing them from the library, so now they don't bother buying them anymore.. they had the complete set, and in 6-7 months all gone :roll:

Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:05 am

I'm reading a classic, 'The Watchmen' by Alan Moore.
It's about these ex-superheroes who are all in their 50's and 60's and facing the end of the world in the 80's (or so I can tell) by the Cold War and a possible assassin of all ex-superheroes.

It's fabulous, but definitely not for those under 16, or at least susceptible to extremely adult situations (it's quite a graphic comic)

Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:07 pm

I just finished Flight volume 2, and I went to order The Adventures of Mia issue 1+2...and issue 1 sold out, as well as the art book. Blast.

You want to click on the links and support indy comics,Yes you do!

Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:24 pm

Bits and pieces of the Kingdom Hearts manga on the computer. Not really reading it all but from what I've read, it's pretty good.

Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:55 am

I'm an absolutely massive fan of Supergirl. I totally love it!

I'm atm reading Supergirl Wings, although I'm looking for the more individual comics from the recent series (Late 1990's) issues 51 and 52 - I can get all the rest, but these are majorly important in the story - I can't even get a hold of them on the net. :(

Hmm, I'm thinking of getting a hold of the Sandman series again... that was a fantastic series. I really enjoyed 100 Bullets, but not as much as Sandman (and Death, god, I gotta read them again - what a great character)

Does anyone remember Prometheus? I got a letter printed in there once. That was a great comic till they stopped it - the art was incredible.

OK, my little secrets out - I'm a closet comic fan.
*sits in the corner with Wings*

Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:59 am

Both the Lenore collections, both the Dogwitch ones, and all three of the Megatokyo books.

Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:24 am

I always seem to be reading ElfQuest - it's such a wast series, there's always something I feel like re-reading. Mmmm, I love me some Kings of the Broken Wheel, or maybe I'll go re-read Hidden Years, hmm.

Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:04 pm

Istanbullfrog wrote:I'm reading a classic, 'The Watchmen' by Alan Moore.
It's about these ex-superheroes who are all in their 50's and 60's and facing the end of the world in the 80's (or so I can tell) by the Cold War and a possible assassin of all ex-superheroes.

It's fabulous, but definitely not for those under 16, or at least susceptible to extremely adult situations (it's quite a graphic comic)

Sweet, that's actually what I was reading the whole week at summer camp! We were talking about superhero movies, and I said there was going to be a Watchmen movie, and my friend told me he had the entire collection with him, so I borrowed it from him and read it all week. I just finished reading it last night, it was very awesome! Have you finished reading it yet?

Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:28 am

CommanderSwiss wrote:I just finished Flight volume 2, and I went to order The Adventures of Mia issue 1+2...and issue 1 sold out, as well as the art book. Blast.

You want to click on the links and support indy comics,Yes you do!

Everyone should get their hands on Flight, it's an amazing book with a lot of beautiful art and stories from some good friends of mine :]

Another book I totally enjoy is Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (there's also a vol. 2 out) - how can it get better than a guy who finds love but has to battle his girlfriend's seven evil ex-boyfriends for money and items? :]

Sat Aug 06, 2005 4:06 am

The Simpsons #103 - kinda crap.

Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:48 pm

Watchmen - I just finished this. :) It's so good, at least most of it is. I thought it was an excellent read up until the last two chapters. I didn't care for those as much, but I think the story up until then was fantastic. I'm eager to recommend the series and pass it on to others. :)

Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:16 am

Jasujo wrote:Watchmen - I just finished this. :) It's so good, at least most of it is. I thought it was an excellent read up until the last two chapters. I didn't care for those as much, but I think the story up until then was fantastic. I'm eager to recommend the series and pass it on to others. :)

Wait until the movie comes, it'll be great :D

Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:14 pm

Ooh, a Watchmen movie. <3 That sounds great. I just hope it's done right and not changed to be "hip" or "cool".

I just finished reading The Hobbit, illustrated graphic novel. Wow, just wow. This book is gorgeous. Each frame was hand-painted and it's just beautiful. It captures the story without all the droning on Tolkien frequently fell into. :P I think I'm going to use it introduce my girls into the story before they read the novels. I'd definitely read this book over and over. :)

Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:03 pm

Yeah, a Watchmen movie would be awesome, but I hear it's on hiatus due to dollar to pound conversions. That, and the link not working does not bode well as a good sign.

Right now, I'm reading Spawn. Spawn-ity Spawn Spawn. I've started at the first issue, and am reading it straight through. So far I'm up to issue 31, out of 145 or so. I must say, Spawn is awesome.

Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:48 am

I just finished Thundercats Vol. 5: Enemy's Pride. It was *so* good. <3 It totally made up for the suckiness of the fourth volume. lol This volume was written by the same author as the third, John Layman, which is probably why those two volumes were awesome. It flowed just like an episode of the series and kept me wondering what was going to happen. A really great read. :)
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