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Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:58 am

Unless it's a unusual book or a first edition, or someone else's, I don't use a bookmark. I collect Stephen King books, and I try to keep my Harry Potters in good condition.

Other than that, I read books to tatters. :) I always fold corners down, I break the spines... I guess I'm not so worried about the condition of the book as I am with the story. And I'm a fast reader, so I'm always rereading books and they get more and more messed up. Besides, with most books you can always buy another copy. :) I have four copies of my favorite Stephen King book, but only two I'll actually read.

Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:10 am

I don't use bookmarks. I just remember the page number of where I was. I also think that it is disrespectful of the reader to fold down the corner of the page. I may have a bias though, since I am a writer...

Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:31 am

ryan.riverside wrote:I don't use bookmarks. I just remember the page number of where I was. I also think that it is disrespectful of the reader to fold down the corner of the page. I may have a bias though, since I am a writer...

hey, i'm a writer too :) it's just for me, a sign of a well-loved book is one that's messed up a bit, and even written in. You can probably tell my favorite books just by looking at my shelf :)
But I do respect other people's books. My boyfriend keeps his nice and uses bookmarks, so I do that when I use his.

Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:19 pm

I wouldn't ever fold down the corners of someone else's book, even if they've done so themselves. Same goes for library books. For my own, though, it's a good way to keep my page and less effort than remembering the page number. I don't mind if they get messed up...I can always buy another. (You'll find I'm more careful with my books that I know are out of print. ;P)

Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:09 pm

When I was little, I used to fold down the corners all the time, but now I feel that doing that destroys a book and is a mortal sin, so. :P

I use whatever is around me- folded up strips of paper, notecards...

Sun Sep 03, 2006 10:32 pm

Wow, no one uses real bookmarks?

I use these beautiful metal butterfly bookmarks. I've never seen any like them, but they're so pretty.

Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:27 am

Normally I use papers around my room, my current bookmark is $2. I never fold the pages down on any book. The librarians drilled that into me when I was in first grade. You can tell which books I read by how clean the book is. If its nice white crisp pages then I haven't read it/read it a lot.

Mon Sep 04, 2006 1:45 am

It depends on how much I value the book. Usually, if I buy a new book, I won't fold the pages down or do anything that could possibly harm it (because I don't get brand new books very often). That's usually only the first time I read it, though- after that, I just fold the corners. If I am, however, reading a book for the first time, then I'll just use a random piece of paper or something. I gave up on formal bookmarks ages ago because I didn't use them very much (again, only if I read a brand new book for the first time, and I don't often get brand new books).

Unless, of course, it's not my book. Then I take very good care of it and don't even touch the corners.

Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:06 am

I hate it when people fold down the corners. I once spazzed at my science teacher because he folded down the corner in one of my books. ...Well, a library book. Luckily. If it had been mine, I would have REALLY spazzed. I don't buy many books, but the ones I do I try to keep in perfect condition for as long as possible.

As for bookmarks- if there's a random piece of scrap paper around I'll tear off the corner and use that, but I usually end up losing it the first time I take it out. So recently I've been using dollar bills as bookmarks. That way I won't lose it, and if I happen to need a dollar, I'll have one, since I almost always have my book with me.

Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:50 am

Usually I just remember that chapter that I stopped at. In most of the books.

Otherwise, a postit or something..anything around me that can be used. xD

Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:41 pm

I always use real bookmarks and have for as long as I can remember. Right now I have a bunch of bookmarks featuring various wild animals that I bought when I volunteered at a National Wildlife Refuge. The only time I use scrap paper is if I'm marking a recipie(sp?) I plan on making. I also would never fold down the corners of a book.

Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:33 am

My current bookmark is a bobbypin that I had laying around. I usually use receipts that I find in my room, peices of paper, photographs, my work schdualing book or whatever I find.

Wed Sep 06, 2006 3:45 am

I just have a lot of bookmarks and I only read at night, so I'm pretty much safe. At school I use post-it notes, which work like a charm when I'm in the middle of a chapter and page.

Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:40 pm

A Harry Potter one that I got when I pre-ordered OotP :D

Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:39 pm

A piece of folded up A4 paper that is taped to prevent it from coming apart. Bit wider than most conventional bookmarks, though.

That, or I finish at the end of a chapter, therefor memorise chapter number/name. Or the page number.

I used to fold the pages, though. But after a while, and it happens a lot, I've read it so much, that nearly every fifth page has a fold in it, and it, uh, well some stay folded. :P
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