SHHH!!! Can you read? Want to prove it? Meet fellow book worms and discuss the literary brilliance of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
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Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:38 pm

This is a bit far fetched, I know, but it's my theory-

What if Dumbledore was a horcrux? I mean, we don't know that much about horcruxes or how they're made, so it's possible he could have been made one without knowing. It does make some sense- Voldemort would want parts of his soul to go into things that would be hard to destroy, right? And Dumbledore was the only person Voldemort ever feared- you'd think that parts of someone's soul would be safe in him (Dumbledore) since not many people would be able to kill him easily.

...Though then again, that theory is flushed down the toilet because why would Voldemort send people out to kill his own horcrux? Or maybe that's why Voldemort put Malfoy on the case- maybe he knew that Malfoy couldn't kill Dumbledore and wouldn't; so he sent Malfoy out so it *looked* like he (Voldemort) was doing something about the Dumbledore problem. Snape, however, could have misinterpreted this, because as we all know, Snape is not the brightest light in the lamp, no matter how wonderfully amazing at Potions and the Dark Arts he is- so in turn, Snape went and did what Malfoy couldn't because he thought that was what Voldemort wanted even though it was just a trick. My assumption, if this is correct, is that Voldemort was going to kill Malfoy in the end anyway because he just likes to kill people and once again, that makes it seem like Voldemort was doing something against Dumbledore when he really wanted him alive all along.

Farfetched and in run on sentences, I know. But it could happen. In an alternate universe, that is. But isn't that what Harry Potter is? An alternate universe?

Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:52 pm

Bangel wrote:This is a bit far fetched, I know, but it's my theory-

What if Dumbledore was a horcrux? I mean, we don't know that much about horcruxes or how they're made, so it's possible he could have been made one without knowing. It does make some sense- Voldemort would want parts of his soul to go into things that would be hard to destroy, right? And Dumbledore was the only person Voldemort ever feared- you'd think that parts of someone's soul would be safe in him (Dumbledore) since not many people would be able to kill him easily.

...Though then again, that theory is flushed down the toilet because why would Voldemort send people out to kill his own horcrux? Or maybe that's why Voldemort put Malfoy on the case- maybe he knew that Malfoy couldn't kill Dumbledore and wouldn't; so he sent Malfoy out so it *looked* like he (Voldemort) was doing something about the Dumbledore problem. Snape, however, could have misinterpreted this, because as we all know, Snape is not the brightest light in the lamp, no matter how wonderfully amazing at Potions and the Dark Arts he is- so in turn, Snape went and did what Malfoy couldn't because he thought that was what Voldemort wanted even though it was just a trick. My assumption, if this is correct, is that Voldemort was going to kill Malfoy in the end anyway because he just likes to kill people and once again, that makes it seem like Voldemort was doing something against Dumbledore when he really wanted him alive all along.

Farfetched and in run on sentences, I know. But it could happen. In an alternate universe, that is. But isn't that what Harry Potter is? An alternate universe?

I suppose that is just as likely as the first apple that Godric Gryffindor ever ate, but didn't finish (so he threw it away) being a Horcrux. It's possible but very far-fetched.

And with Dumbledore being as strong as he is/was, I am fairly sure that he'd notice if part of Voldemort's soul was floating around inside him.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:04 am

jellyoflight wrote:Had a mini-brainwave.

In PoA, when Harry has the flashbacks of his parent's death, Lily is called a "silly girl" by Voldie whilst protecting Harry.

Hermione's been reffered to as a "silly girl" lots of times, by Rita Skeeter and also by Snape.

We know they were both good at Charms (Hermione got something like 112% on a Charms test, and it's been mentioned lots of times about Lily being good at Charms), and good at potions (Slughorn says lots of times that Lily had a natural ability, and it's been mentioned/hinted lots of times that Hermione is quite good), so they were probably both clever. Charms and Potions lead me to think that perhaps Lily was good at logic, like Hermione.

So, what if Hermione dies whilst trying to protect Harry?

Oooh, the conspiracy! :P

*sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I'm tired :D*

I kill Rowling if that happens. :x

Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:22 am

i still hope harry dies.
if only to make sure that there are no dodgy spin-offs afterwards.
*fears that the book after return of the king might get "finished" by somone and published*
he scrapped it for a reason.

that. and i want harry to die, the spidermanish ending of this book left me with a "he is so gonna die a heroic death" vibe.
but then. so did Eldrads speach (unrelated, giving an example)
his whole "blah blah blah, prophercy stuff, must kill or die, blah blah blah" gave a big "im going down. but im taking you with me" vibe.
then he promptly 'died' a very pointless death achieving nothing but the scorn of hummanity (hes an alien yasee)

i'll stop rambling now.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:11 am

I think I might be one of the few here who thought the book was only "ok". I just haven't been impressed with the latest books (OoTP and HBP). I'm all for secrets and the questions and the mystery and stuff but I'm also into the heart pounding "OMG THAT DRAGON ALMOST ATE ME, THE WHOMPING WILLOW ALMOST BLUGEONED ME, AND HAGRID WANTS US TO HELP HIM TAKE CARE OF SOMETHING DANGEROUS AGAIN" type of incidents. In HBP nothing really interesting to me seemed to happen until near the end. Most of the book was just information gathering. I don't know, maybe I'm just growing out of Harry Potter.

Although I must say I like telling people about the snogging and watching them go, "They did what???"

Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:17 am

I think Harry will die, if for nothing else but so JKR doesn't have to write any more books.

And with the Horcruxes, we know or assume that an animal can be one. But Dumbledore said it was dangerous making one that could think for itself. I'm inclined to think that it's not Harry or anybody but something random she mentioned. Like maybe Tom's award for special services to the school.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:19 am

What if the police come in and arrest everyone, a la Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:45 am

Igg wrote:What if the police come in and arrest everyone, a la Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Obviously Harry and Voldemort will die due to the salmon.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:46 am

Erm, I was just re-reading the book (probably because I didn't like it, I've never had to re-read any of the other HP books again so soon,) and I got up to the part when Harry found out that the potion's book was published 50 years ago, and so Harry figured out that it couldn't have been anyone from his father's time. Then that wouldn't make sense, would it, seeing as the Half-blood Prince was Snape ... O.o

Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:06 am

Some of my school text books were published in the 80's, and I daresay with it being ye olde school of magick and such, a book published 50 years beforehand is not so unlikely.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:22 am

Voldie gets dragged off screaming "Help help I'm being repressed!"

Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:51 am

I have come to one conclusion.

Voldemort will die of gum disease.

And Harry is a horcrux, he realises it and kills himself. Without anymore horcrux's, Voldemort will die a 'mortal' death, the Roftang Consipiracy and gum disease!

Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:31 pm

_jade_em_ wrote:Erm, I was just re-reading the book (probably because I didn't like it, I've never had to re-read any of the other HP books again so soon,) and I got up to the part when Harry found out that the potion's book was published 50 years ago, and so Harry figured out that it couldn't have been anyone from his father's time. Then that wouldn't make sense, would it, seeing as the Half-blood Prince was Snape ... O.o

The book was handed down to Snape from his mother, though. And then when he got it he wrote in it.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:43 pm

Voldemort gets crucified?

(as will the film, boom boom)

Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:59 pm

My two cents - I didn't like the book as much as numbers 3, 4 and 5. Too many little stupid things (The most irritating of which is a man who was elected Prime Minister not being able to distinquish the difference between the word 'Sirius' and 'Serious') and until the end it wasn't really that interesting.

Anywho, Dumbledore has said it himself. The only thing people fear about Darkness and Death is the unknown. Voldemort does not understand that but obviously Dumbledore does. He isn't scared of death, much like he isn't scared of the darkness.

-Insert previously mentioned posts about Dumbledore pleading for Snape to kill him, not pleading to let him live here-

As for Harry/Dumbledore being a Horcrux... No. Just no. Like Dumbledore said, its risky enough to implant your soul in something like a snake which thinks and acts on its own will. Voldemort would want his 7 pieces seperate before he began his rise to power the first time. He's obviously superstitious (for want of a better word ;)) about it as he specifically asked Slughorn if it would be best to have 7 pieces.

The last Horcrux I believe is either the Sword or the Sorting Hat. One can only assume priceless Hogwarts heirlooms like those wouldn't be the sort of thing to only recently be acquired. The sorting hat especially.

We know Voldemort approached Dumbledore about a job teaching defense against the dark arts. We know he hadn't fully seperated his soul into 7 pieces because his appearance hadn't fully changed. A lot of the book was about Non-verbal spells and as Dumbledore said, both he and Voldemort knew that Voldemort wouldn't get that job. Perhaps Voldemort had an alternate motive ? We know his Death-Eaters were near Hogwarts, awaiting his return. Perhaps he had killed and seperated part of his soul unto the Sword or Sorting Hat. Again, trinkets. Though they weren't trinkets of somebody he had killed, neither was the Snake or the Diary. What leads me to believe the Hat has a bigger chance as it represents the seperation of nemesis houses (IE : Gryffindor and Slytherin) rather than Godric's sword which represents Gryffindor. What was stopping Voldemort from completing the final stages of the Horcrux non-verbally whilst in that office ?

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