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Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:03 am

I cried at the end.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:11 am

Khristian wrote:I cried at the end.

*pat pat*

It'll all be better in the last book. Or maybe not :P

Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:12 am

Lol, all better?

I bet a support group will have to be set up. As well as a special kind of Kleenex for all the weeping HP fans.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:14 am

You know what I was thinking, if Harry knew a spell to create water but the Goblet kept draining it...why didn't he simply create the water straight in Dumbledore's mouth ? That way the Inferi wouldn't have had to "wake up"

Is it just me or do wizard's have absolutely no common sense ?? XP


Mistakes in Harry Potter

Mispelling of fog (Fug) - Pg ???
Mispelling of slid (Slit) - Pg 100

Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:23 pm

the_dog_god wrote:Mispelling of fog (Fug) - Pg ???
Mispelling of slid (Slit) - Pg 100

Sorry to ruin your negativeness, but fug is a word... :P

fug- A heavy, stale atmosphere, especially the musty air of an overcrowded or poorly ventilated room: “In spite of the open windows the stench had become a reeking fug” (Colleen McCullough).

Also, I couldn't find slit on page 100, so I don't know if it should be that or slid.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:30 pm

matterbug wrote:
the_dog_god wrote:Mispelling of fog (Fug) - Pg ???
Mispelling of slid (Slit) - Pg 100

Sorry to ruin your negativeness, but fug is a word... :P

fug- A heavy, stale atmosphere, especially the musty air of an overcrowded or poorly ventilated room: “In spite of the open windows the stench had become a reeking fug” (Colleen McCullough).

Also, I couldn't find slit on page 100, so I don't know if it should be that or slid.

Hmmm :P Well fug's not a mistake then XD Unless it's in the following context...

"The misty fug his breath had left on the window..."
"The misty heavy, stale atmosphere his breath had left on the window..." ?

It's something about Harry sliding his OWL results open

"He slit it open quickly..."

Could be intentional I suppose...

There's one on page 109 I think.

"None of us is suuposed to go wandering on our own anymore..."

Should that be are ?

Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:36 pm

Tharkun wrote:Oh, interview. Not that it'll do any good - I have experience with denial and interviews - but here:

Err... I'm not entirely clear why you feel that an interview where Rowling says she's not going to say whether or not Snape is evil because that's a spoiler proves that Snape is evil.

If anything, it seems to suggest that yes, Rowling intended it to be unclear.

I think it's rather uncalled for to say that everyone who disagrees with you is just in denial. I've certanly talked to people who have no particular emotional attachment to Snape whose intial thought upon finishing the book was "Hmm, I wonder if Snape is really evil?"

Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:40 pm

the_dog_god wrote:It's something about Harry sliding his OWL results open

"He slit it open quickly..."

Could be intentional I suppose...

There's one on page 109 I think.

"None of us is suuposed to go wandering on our own anymore..."

Should that be are ?

Fug certainly sounds intentional, slit even more so - that's what people do, slit open their letters.

As for the one on page 109 that's a character speaking so if that character says it that way then so be it.

Honestly this in coupling with that link earlier on to supposed "mistakes" just make me think some people are desperate to find mistakes for whatever reasons. It really is quite bizarre :roll: Just as bizarre as people who seem determined to prove that those who believe Snape is probably not evil as nothing is ever that simple are in some kind of denial. I mean really, it's a book and there are theories. Just enjoy them and stop getting so worked up! :lol:

im in chapter!

Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:11 pm

im in chapter 4 7 more pages to go before chapter 5!
EIDT: <3 i love draco now that i know that he is a death eater! <3

Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:44 pm

People have been annoying by saying that this is not the way the books are supposed to go.

Er, JKR writes the books. She decides what is canon and what is not.

If she says that Snape isn't evil, Snape isn't evil.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:56 pm

.:Compact Disk:. wrote:Jen I agree with Setekh. There was only one goblet. They had no others. The Goblet was the only thing that could enter the sheild thing.

But Dumbledore conjured the goblet. They could have scooped it, but it on the ground. Conjured another one, scooped the potion, but it on the ground. Conjure another one, scooped it, put it on the ground. Nothing was stopping them.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:05 pm

VeraX wrote:
.:Compact Disk:. wrote:Jen I agree with Setekh. There was only one goblet. They had no others. The Goblet was the only thing that could enter the sheild thing.

But Dumbledore conjured the goblet. They could have scooped it, but it on the ground. Conjured another one, scooped the potion, but it on the ground. Conjure another one, scooped it, put it on the ground. Nothing was stopping them.

Unless it had been set that you could not collect more unless someone had swallowed the previous amount. Voldemort is after all a very clever nasty dude, and you'd have to go through something to be able to destory something so well guarded by him.

And a lot about the end hasn't been explained, like in the other books there is usually something we come back to later in the next book.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:32 pm

All right then, let's see what you make of the "cling to some desperate hope" part that refers to "conspiracy theorists."

As for Horcruxes, I think both Nagini and Object of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's are kind of stretched, particularly Nagini. But no, Harry is not a Horcrux.

My Pang of Worst-Case Scenario tells me the Veil is a Horcrux, but there's no evidence for it, so I don't know where I get it.

Was anybody else surprised that they managed to find replacement guards for Azkaban? I was sure Lucius would be back, like, before the book opened.

I'm also incredibly relieved that in the Potterverse, phrases beginning with "I want" are technical orders. I was angsting about that from Chapter Three until Chapter Twenty-One.

Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:44 pm

Tharkun wrote:All right then, let's see what you make of the "cling to some desperate hope" part that refers to "conspiracy theorists."

The hope that Snape is not evil, or the hope that he is evil? She doesn't specify. She could even be referring to what some conspiracy theorists do in general as there are plenty of various theories that have been about since the beginning. Or she may not count those who believe Snape isn't evil as conspiracy theorists from where she is standing.

To be honest those that go on about the people who reckon Snape isn't evil as being "in denial" are just as in denial themselves. There is plenty of evidence you could dig up to back up either stand point on the subject as nobody knows. That's right - no one knows one way or the other. Hence, no one can be in denial if the truth is not known.

Good grief, you might just have to wait til the next book :o :P I'll be very interested to see some things explained more in the next book, the Veil in particular as I expected that to be explained in this book - Harry has asked no one yet? Kinda odd I think.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:04 am

the_dog_god wrote:
matterbug wrote:
the_dog_god wrote:Mispelling of fog (Fug) - Pg ???
Mispelling of slid (Slit) - Pg 100

Sorry to ruin your negativeness, but fug is a word... :P

fug- A heavy, stale atmosphere, especially the musty air of an overcrowded or poorly ventilated room: “In spite of the open windows the stench had become a reeking fug” (Colleen McCullough).

Also, I couldn't find slit on page 100, so I don't know if it should be that or slid.

Hmmm :P Well fug's not a mistake then XD Unless it's in the following context...

"The misty fug his breath had left on the window..."
"The misty heavy, stale atmosphere his breath had left on the window..." ?

It's something about Harry sliding his OWL results open

"He slit it open quickly..."

Could be intentional I suppose...

There's one on page 109 I think.

"None of us is suuposed to go wandering on our own anymore..."

Should that be are ?

Slit means an opening (there was a slit down the side of her dress, he... cant think of somthing that doesnt involve rather obvious murder to go here. etc etc)

and yeah, just noted the rather gaping hole in my "harry is a horcrux" theory.
Voldemort didnt know that only he can kill harry and vice-versa (well, probably not, that was right at the end and apparently snape only heard the first half)

well. hes not an intentional one anyway. :D

*still hoping Harry gets bumped off*

and i agree. dont like the way the books are going, dont read em.
its her prodginy, not yours!
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