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Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:27 am

Smart Duck wrote:
Setekh wrote:on the other hand, i somhow doubt that the naming of Horace is incidental.
im thinking she drew ideas from the god Horus... the avenger
im taking bets that its Horace that bumps off ol Snape, or prehaps otherwise avenges somone.
possibly Sirius (killing Bellatrix)
at the moment anything he could do would be incidental, but then, its rather a habit of ... the writer (drawing a total blank right now :roll: ) to do stuff all sneaky like.
still, i think theres more than coincedance in his name.

Who's Horace?

Professor Horace Slughorn.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:59 am

.:Compact Disk:. wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Anubis wrote:To be honest, I haven't read this thread through. I'm just going to post what I think will happen.

I think that Harry is the horcrux. Voldemort was going to kill Harry to create another horcrux, but instead he made it with Harry's parent's bodies, which is why blood protects Harry. This means that Harry must destroy all the horcruxes and then kill himself after killing Voldemort, which means both Harry and Voldemort will die.

CD raised these points to me:

1) Why would Voldemort try to kill his own Horcrux time after time again
2) Why would he make somebody who's such a danger to him a Horcrux?

I replied:

1) I have two explanations. The first is that Voldemort doesn't know that he made Harry a horcrux, and the second is, if he did know, he has so much of his soul spread about anyway it wouldn't matter because he could create another with HARRY'S body.
2) Number two, Voldemort made Harry a horcrux unintentionally. It clearly states in the book that Voldemort was going to kill Harry, then get something from Gryffindor to encase his soul in, with Harry's death. Instead, he encased his soul in HARRY with Harry's parent's deaths, which, again, would explain the blood thing.

It also had a big implication when Dumbledore said 'or who' on the horcrux issue. It would also explain where Harry got his Parsletongue capabilities and looked like Voldemort, etc.

(Oh, and I think Snape is good. I think it was arranged, because Snape was supposed to keep in favour with the Death Eaters, for Snape to kill Dumbledore if he had to. Also, I think that he also killed Dumbledore because he had taken the Unbreakable Vow, and Draco couldn't complete his mission, which was to kill Dumbledore, so Snape had to do it for him. -nods-)

I'm still re-reading and haven't got to that part yet, could you clarify what page/chapter it's in?

*cough*because it didn't*cough*

Pg 473

"He seems to have reserved the process of making Horcruxes for particularily significant deaths. You would certainly have been that. He believed that in killing you, he was destroying the danger the prophecy had outlined. He believed he was making himself invincible. I am sure that he was intending to make his final Horcrux with your death."

However it then goes on to say

"As we know, he failed. After an interval of some years, however, he used Nagini to kill an old Muggle man, and it might then occured to him to turn her into his last Horcrux."

Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:11 am

Just a hair off topic, but just now they did J.K. Rowling on A&E Biography, and at the end, she had this folder out, and she said that it contained the final chapter of book 7. She said she was a little nervous about showing it, and then laughed at herself, because "it's not like the camera can see through the folder".
But me? It was really weird seeing that, right there, and knowing what was inside. I was like "Oh my GOD! I WANT IT! GIMME!"

EDIT: Also, a couple of things she said made me think maybe Harry will die at the end of book 7.
It was originally filmed in 2002, but at one point, she was talking about deaths in the books, and she said "More people are going to die, and, um, there's at least one death that is going to be horrible to write, to re-write, actually, because it’s already written. But, um, it has to be."
She could've been speaking of either Sirius or Dumbledore, but possibly Harry. After all, we know she's already written the end of book 7.
Another thing she said, when she was showing the folder with the final chapter struck me too. I can't find the exact quote online (like I did with the one above), so you'll have to settle for my memory. She said that it was an epilogue that ties everything up. That it shows what everyone else goes on to do, the ones that survive anyway, because there are more deaths coming.
Not sure how exactly she worded it, but something about it struck me, that she wasn't including Harry's future in that. Perhaps because he doesn't have one.
Last edited by Sapphire Faerie on Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:36 am

the_dog_god wrote:Pg 473

"He seems to have reserved the process of making Horcruxes for particularily significant deaths. You would certainly have been that. He believed that in killing you, he was destroying the danger the prophecy had outlined. He believed he was making himself invincible. I am sure that he was intending to make his final Horcrux with your death."

However it then goes on to say

"As we know, he failed. After an interval of some years, however, he used Nagini to kill an old Muggle man, and it might then occured to him to turn her into his last Horcrux."

Anubis wrote:It clearly states in the book that Voldemort was going to kill Harry, then get something from Gryffindor to encase his soul in, with Harry's death. Instead, he encased his soul in HARRY with Harry's parent's deaths, which, again, would explain the blood thing.

It does not clearly state that he incased any part of his soul in harry.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:06 am

Hmm, sorry if I've rehashed something... but you guys know how avadakedavra doesn't work unless you mean it right? Maybe... Snape didn't really kill Dumbledore... and it was all an act... and in the process... etc. etc. etc.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:19 am

I think Dumbledore really is dead. Snape HAD to kill him.

However, Dumby's Patronus is a Phoenix after all. He might come back.

*implores JKR on bended knee*

Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:09 am

Shoyru_Lover wrote:Hmm, sorry if I've rehashed something... but you guys know how avadakedavra doesn't work unless you mean it right? Maybe... Snape didn't really kill Dumbledore... and it was all an act... and in the process... etc. etc. etc.

Snape looked at Dumbledore with burning hatred before killing him. Not meaning it, eh?

Despite what everyone likes to think, I believe Dumbledore really is dead and Snape really is evil - or at least evil at the moment he killed Dumbledore. He may have a change of heart later, turn against Voldemort, etc, but the fact remains that he killed Dumbledore.

(Oh btw, and I guessed Snape was the HBP halfway through the book. :P Who else would be so good at potions?)

Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:42 pm

My dad brought up a point... Dumbledore trusted Snape with everything he had... what if Dumbledore made Snape a horcrux? (<- NOT MY THEORY, but I think it's cute my dad is trying to get in on the theories)

Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:07 pm

Qanda wrote:
Shoyru_Lover wrote:Hmm, sorry if I've rehashed something... but you guys know how avadakedavra doesn't work unless you mean it right? Maybe... Snape didn't really kill Dumbledore... and it was all an act... and in the process... etc. etc. etc.

Snape looked at Dumbledore with burning hatred before killing him. Not meaning it, eh?

Snape had a look of hatred and revulsion on his face before killing Dumbledore. It doesn't say Snape was experienceing hatred towards Dumbledore, although that was clearly Harry's inference. Rowling describes Harry's emotions before giving Dumbledore the potion in almost exactly the same terms. Harry was clearly experiencing revulsion towards the act he was being asked to perform (and maybe towards himself) and this could have been true of Snape as well.

I don't know how Avada Kedavra works, actually. I'm still waiting for someone making that argument to quote the part of the series that says somthing unambiguous about the Killing Curse only working when you hate the victim or suchlike. The closest I've seen so far is Bella's (somewhat ambiguous) statement about the Cruciatus Curse, which isn't the same curse and may or may not follow the same rules. Which doesn't mean it may not be there, but I don't recall one.

At any rate, "meaning it" is rather unspecific and doesn't necssarily entail "wanting it". I'd be willing to believe you can't AK someone just goofing around. But if Dumbledore ordered Snape to kill him, then why wouldn't Snape "mean it"?

Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:12 pm

Since there are people with much more knowledge of Harry Potter than me. I was wondering if anyone knows the particular signifigance (if any) of July 16th in the Wizarding World? Any particular births, deaths or events she has noted?

Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:29 pm

Snape definitly killed Dumbledore. I'm not sure if he really "wanted" to, but he did. But who knows. I think most people have grately underestimated the complexity of the character known as Snape. I know I did. I did think he was complex before, but never to this extent. Dumbledore's death definitly serves some sort of great purpose. I have to admit, although I cried my eyes out, it does move the story to a whole new level. No one else's death, short of Harry's, would have done it.

And I highly doubt Dumbledore would make a horcrux.

By the way, the zombies should've gotten more "page" time! Shaun of the Dead with wizards would have rocked. ;)

And man these books are getting dark! By the time they get to the 7th movie, it might have to be R rated. Sheesh.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:08 pm

SpiraLethe wrote:Snape definitly killed Dumbledore. I'm not sure if he really "wanted" to, but he did. But who knows. I think most people have grately underestimated the complexity of the character known as Snape. I know I did. I did think he was complex before, but never to this extent. Dumbledore's death definitly serves some sort of great purpose. I have to admit, although I cried my eyes out, it does move the story to a whole new level. No one else's death, short of Harry's, would have done it.

And I highly doubt Dumbledore would make a horcrux.

By the way, the zombies should've gotten more "page" time! Shaun of the Dead with wizards would have rocked. ;)

And man these books are getting dark! By the time they get to the 7th movie, it might have to be R rated. Sheesh.

R rated... I wish. *nudge nudge wink wink*

Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:11 pm

My dad brought up a point... Dumbledore trusted Snape with everything he had... what if Dumbledore made Snape a horcrux? (<- NOT MY THEORY, but I think it's cute my dad is trying to get in on the theories)

If Dumbledore did make a Horcurx (perhaps some kind of good horcrux? is there such a thing?) it would definitely be Fawkes. In a recent interview, JK was asked if someone had owned Fawkes before Dumbledore and if he (Fawkes) would play a vital role in the last book. She responded saying...

I am not going to answer about the role in the next books, which probably gives you a big clue

And, c'mon, a phoenix is the perfect horcrux. Putting your soul in something that keeps getting reborn... brilliant. Also, Dumbledore is heavily associated with the birds. His patronus is one, and patronus' usually reflect something important about yourself.

Even if that isn't the case, I can't wait to see Fawkes again and find out what his role is.

In fact, I can't wait to find out about everything she's hinted at. The importance of Harry having his mother's eyes. What we don't know about Petunia. The remaining Horcrux. R.A.B. Sirius and Dumbledore (even if they don't come back, there is surely going to be more about them since death is so mysterious). Suspense kills me.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:19 pm

.:Compact Disk:. wrote:
Anubis wrote:It clearly states in the book that Voldemort was going to kill Harry, then get something from Gryffindor to encase his soul in, with Harry's death. Instead, he encased his soul in HARRY with Harry's parent's deaths, which, again, would explain the blood thing.

It does not clearly state that he incased any part of his soul in harry.

I know it does not clearly state he incased any part of his soul in Harry. That is why it's called a theory. I said it clearly stated that 'Voldemort was going to kill Harry, then get something from Gryffindor to encase his soul in, with Harry's death'. NOT that he incased any part of his soul in Harry.

Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:50 pm

Anubis wrote:
.:Compact Disk:. wrote:
Anubis wrote:It clearly states in the book that Voldemort was going to kill Harry, then get something from Gryffindor to encase his soul in, with Harry's death. Instead, he encased his soul in HARRY with Harry's parent's deaths, which, again, would explain the blood thing.

It does not clearly state that he incased any part of his soul in harry.

I know it does not clearly state he incased any part of his soul in Harry. That is why it's called a theory. I said it clearly stated that 'Voldemort was going to kill Harry, then get something from Gryffindor to encase his soul in, with Harry's death'. NOT that he incased any part of his soul in Harry.

No that was a theory Dumbledore had. And it was EITHER an object Gryffindor owned OR Ravenclaw.
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