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Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:04 am

Another awesome post with various theories: ... /3409.html

Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:19 am

Dang, Igg beat me! I read it in 4 hours.

I agree with most of what's been said about Dumbledore and Snape. The scene feels kind of fishy to me. Dumbledore's clever. But maybe that's just a faint, false hope. *Dranzer* has a point, when all it says about Cedric, the only other person that's killed (I think), is that Harry hears a thud/someting fall. So then we have the question: is there any way for Snape to have only stunned or otherwise incapitated Dumbledore while giving the appearance that he killed him? But then, given Snape's state afterward, probably not. or he's a really good actor.

Now I need to read it again so I can remember all this stuff.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:42 am


My predictions came true. Ask my father.
Holy little Italy. *stares*

Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:22 am

New irreverent theory! JKR killed Dumbledore in that book so they can get rid of the actor for the last movie... or maybe this wasn't thought through, because if true they could have killed him a while ago...

But hey, you never know.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:04 am

Xil wrote:
Fiddelysquat wrote:
(*Dranzer*) wrote:.....Now for the latest mystery, who is R. A. B?

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Chocolate 4eva!
And for the sake of making a name, Weremorphosis too!


It's Sirius Black's brother! The initials all fit! Remember? His name started with an "R", the "A" is prolly his middle name, and "B" for Black! He called him the Dark Lord which means he was in his service at some point. Only followers call him that. We know he wanted to back out but Voldemort wouldn't let him, so I can see him hating Voldemort for that!

That, dearest Fidds, is a stroke of genius.

He was killed two days after he deflected though, I wonder if the time frame would suffice..

YES. I figured this out as well, and was BOUNCING. OFF. THE WALLS. I was SO FREAKING excited. That, to me, was the best revelation of them all.

I was disappointed that there was no "official" Ron/Hermione thing.

I am in love with Lupin/Tonks.

Dumbledore's death made me. SO. FREAKING. SAD. Even though it was inevitable.

After the second chapter, I didn't bother trying to figure out which side Snape was playing. Rowling messes with my mind far too well.

Fred and George were absolutely brilliant, I love those guys.

And I don't know what else to say. Only definitely, definitely, R.A.B. was my favorite part of the book.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:17 am

Alex wrote:Another awesome post with various theories: ... /3409.html

Thank you so much for that link. That was EXACTLY what I was thinking after reading HBP, but they put it so much better than I could have.

Also, seeing other people thinking what I'm thinking reassures me that I'm not deluding myself. Or at least, that other Snape fans are as skilled at self-delusion as I. :-)

I do think Dumbledore is really dead. I was expecting it... the Wise Mentor (tm) can't wait until the very end of a series to die because the Young Hero (tm) has to learn to carry on without them.

But I don't for a second believe that Snape is evil, and will persist in this belief until Book 7 proves me either right or wrong.

Maybe I need to port the Snape avatar I use on Neocolours (and as a LJ icon) to 80x80 so I can use it here in a show of support...

Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:51 am


I think it is Regalus! (spelling, meh, i'm tired)

He's Sirius's brother (creating lots of angst for Harry)
And in Book 5 Sirius says "I doubt Regalus was so important for Voldemort to kill him personally." (along those lines) - but he was still killed. And probably by Voldie. And he was killed because he hid the locket.

This completley fits with JKR's habit of inserting tiny, "meaningless" things into the books, then a couple of books later it turning out to be important. Look at Snape mentioning bezoars in the FIRST YEAR. It's not until the 6th book we learn it's true meaning.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:57 am

Fiddelysquat wrote:
(*Dranzer*) wrote:.....Now for the latest mystery, who is R. A. B?

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Chocolate 4eva!
And for the sake of making a name, Weremorphosis too!


It's Sirius Black's brother! The initials all fit! Remember? His name started with an "R", the "A" is prolly his middle name, and "B" for Black! He called him the Dark Lord which means he was in his service at some point. Only followers call him that. We know he wanted to back out but Voldemort wouldn't let him, so I can see him hating Voldemort for that!

*thought that seemed quite obvious*

Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:07 am

Slughorn is my new favourite <3

But didn't Ron, Hermione and Ginny take the lucky potion on the night Bubblebore died? Surely their headmaster dying can't have been lucky for them.


Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:11 am

I think that's beyond the potion's control. Wish I had some of that potion, though.

I always wanted to take Potions.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:28 am

Igg wrote:
Fiddelysquat wrote:
(*Dranzer*) wrote:.....Now for the latest mystery, who is R. A. B?

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Chocolate 4eva!
And for the sake of making a name, Weremorphosis too!


It's Sirius Black's brother! The initials all fit! Remember? His name started with an "R", the "A" is prolly his middle name, and "B" for Black! He called him the Dark Lord which means he was in his service at some point. Only followers call him that. We know he wanted to back out but Voldemort wouldn't let him, so I can see him hating Voldemort for that!

*thought that seemed quite obvious*

*also thought it seemed obvious*

I thought of that straight away when I read it o.O

Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:11 pm

I'm typing this while trying my very best not to read the other posts... I'm only on page 350 or so :oops: I think I already guessed the 'secret' of the Half-Blood Prince... pretty obvious.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:41 pm

Oh man. I finished it last night (because of sleep, meals, family, etc). Holy crap. I was crying at Dumbledore's funeral, it's so sad. Honestly I think Harry is pretty much screwed without Dumbledore to help him find the horcrux XD.

And as soon as I found out Snape was the half-blood prince I slapped my head cause I'm like DUH, HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT. Him being such a good potions was a potions book..I felt really stupid XD.

But if they close the school...will there be a 7th book? Where Harry, Ron, and Hermione go off and try to find the horcruxes and Harry tries to kill Voldemort?

Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:42 pm

As several people have said, with the painting of Dumbledore, Harry could still *talk to him*

Which kind of makes his death a bit poo.

ETA: How come Ginny and Harry kiss, but everyone else snogs?!?!

Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:57 pm

fzun wrote:Oh man. I finished it last night (because of sleep, meals, family, etc). Holy crap. I was crying at Dumbledore's funeral, it's so sad. Honestly I think Harry is pretty much screwed without Dumbledore to help him find the horcrux XD.

And as soon as I found out Snape was the half-blood prince I slapped my head cause I'm like DUH, HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT. Him being such a good potions was a potions book..I felt really stupid XD.

But if they close the school...will there be a 7th book? Where Harry, Ron, and Hermione go off and try to find the horcruxes and Harry tries to kill Voldemort?

Same here. I was like "... oh yeah."

Dunno about the closing the school thing, though...
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