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Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:17 am

In the fifth book, Harry talks to Dudley about how he "did in" Mark Evans. And besides... you can never tell with Rowling. Its before the dementor attack.

Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:20 am

Ah, now I vaguely remember tha's just like me to over look it :P

Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:39 am

Yeah, I didn't notice that until my friend (a pf) said that. She also believes that Lupin and James performed a variation of the body-switching spell to switch bodies before the attack, which means Lupin is really James. Some proof is that he didn't want Trelawny to gaze for him. He also recognized HArry at first sight(without seeing the scar). His wand was also useful in TRANSFIGURATION, so this theory may be highly likely.

Makes sense to me ;)

Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:22 am

(*Dranzer*) wrote:Yeah, I didn't notice that until my friend (a pf) said that. She also believes that Lupin and James performed a variation of the body-switching spell to switch bodies before the attack, which means Lupin is really James. Some proof is that he didn't want Trelawny to gaze for him. He also recognized HArry at first sight(without seeing the scar). His wand was also useful in TRANSFIGURATION, so this theory may be highly likely.

Makes sense to me ;)

And because it's a body switch, he's still a werewolf? Well, it could work O.o

Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:29 pm

(*Dranzer*) wrote:In the fifth book, Harry talks to Dudley about how he "did in" Mark Evans. And besides... you can never tell with Rowling. Its before the dementor attack.

Harry did not say that Dudley 'did in' Mark Evans, he says that he 'did' Mark Evans, which sounds very wrong:p Anyway, I think it just refers to Dudley beating Mark up.

Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:12 pm

Yeah, thats what I meant. And as for the BSS, they would switch their essense, which then inhabits the other body. In book four, if you remember when Neville accidently put his ears on a cactus, that was a BASIC switching spell gone wrong. Add James and wand +advanced switching spell, James has been alive the whole time.

Sat Jul 31, 2004 9:06 pm

(*Dranzer*) wrote:Yeah, I didn't notice that until my friend (a pf) said that. She also believes that Lupin and James performed a variation of the body-switching spell to switch bodies before the attack, which means Lupin is really James. Some proof is that he didn't want Trelawny to gaze for him. He also recognized HArry at first sight(without seeing the scar). His wand was also useful in TRANSFIGURATION, so this theory may be highly likely.

Makes sense to me ;)

I seriously doubt it. One, James and Lily thought Lupin was the traitor/spy. Two, he recognized Harry because he looks exactly like James, just with green eyes and a scar. Three... I've never liked that theory. :P

(*Dranzer*) wrote:In the fifth book, Harry talks to Dudley about how he "did in" Mark Evans. And besides... you can never tell with Rowling. Its before the dementor attack.

Unfortunately, JKR plainly stated that Mark isn't anybody. He has no role in the books, aside from those few sentences. Apparently, she hadn't realised how he had the same last name as Lily...

Which is irritating, as I wanted Mark to be the HBP. :P

Sun Aug 01, 2004 4:55 am

I seriously doubt it. One, James and Lily thought Lupin was the traitor/spy. Two, he recognized Harry because he looks exactly like James, just with green eyes and a scar. Three... I've never liked that theory. :P

Actuly, they thought sirius was the traitor/spy.

He may have reconside Harry that way, but their could be others....can't think of them right now

I still think Hagrid if the HBP, I am certain of it now!

Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:38 am

But how did Remus know that they thought there was a traitor?
Did Dumbledore tell him? Or was he really James?

Sun Aug 01, 2004 5:40 am

The marurdrs map. read the last few chapters in book three, that should halp you undertsand.

Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:58 am

No, but Remus knew that Lily and James thought there was a traitor. If they thought there was the possibility that he COULD be the traitor, I don't think they would've told him.

Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:18 am


er.......Were did you get this from?

Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:27 am

I have no idea. o_O I'm not sure where I read that. x_x

Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:31 am


but, sirius was who they thought were the traitor, lupin realised the truth when he saw the map, that is what happened! :)

Sun Aug 01, 2004 3:40 pm

Remus recognized Harry because, well, let's face it! EVERYONE in the wizarding world knows what Harry looks like! Still, it's rather odd that JKR has stated that LILY is dead, but not specifically James...*goes off to confirm that*
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