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Children's books you've never gotten around to reading...

Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:13 am

Today I was at the college library. I have one class that ends at noon and from noon to 4:00 I don't have any classes. It stinks, but that is the way it worked out. Now in my area there is a walmart and a few places to eat, but really not much to do. I don't even think I could catch a movie because I don't think we have any open at that time. So I thought I would read, since we aren't doing much today but getting situated. So I thought I might read a childrens book, maybe something I've never gotten around to reading. So I read "The Little Prince". It is supposedly a childrens book, but I found it had a lot of deeper meaning to it. The end kind of surprised me, and was sad in a way. Has anything like that ever happened to you before? I mean, I am nearly crying over a childrens book, and sort of embarrased by it. And well, I kind of think maybe it really happened, you know. Sometimes I think some books have truth to them that maybe the author wants you to know, but have to make a story about, because no one is going to believe the truth anyway.

I found a place online you can read it if you want. Try to get the deeper meaning out of it though. I think the part about the trees choaking a small planet is kind of about how anger, pride, and other emotions can choke your heart if you let it. Each little story is kind of a riddle with some truth to it if you can see the deeper meaning of it. And I agree, the things that are important in life are often things you can't even see, but you have to feel them with your heart. Really, I almost believe this guy was visited by something/someone because of the deeper messages.
Last edited by smudgeoffudge on Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:24 am

I love "The Little Prine." Don't worry, I sobbed and I just read it recently too. See, I had for a while sitting in my closet and one day I just pulled it out and started reading. That question if the goat ate the rose or not still gets me. It's so depressing. I completley agree that many books published as fiction probably did happen. And children are pure and innocent, so they'll believe it...untill someone older crushes their dreams and tells them it's not real. Hmmmm...

Children's books I never got the time to read...Polar Express. Everyone I know claims that it was their favorite book as a kid. I feel left out, I never even heard of it untill the movie came out. :roll:

Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:32 am

Yeah, I'd never heard of Polar Express either until the movie. I read quite a bit as a kid, if you name it, chances are I did read it. But I'm going to go back to the childrens section and see if I see some I've never read before. If you have a favorite story that maybe other people haven't read, please recomend it and I'll see if they have it.

Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:18 am

I have it in French, but since it's been a few year since I've taken French, I might need a dictionary first.

Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:16 am

I worked as a custodian at my local elementary school the summer before my freshman year of college and read at least a dozen children's books after work in the library. Now I'm graduating college in May and applying to graduate programs in children's and adolescent literature, I can't wait to read more of the children's books I missed by starting on adult novels early.

Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:32 am

I read Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince in French) last year for my French 4 honors class. I thought something like, "Aww great, a kids book" but I was really surprised, there was a great deal of symbolism and deeper meaning. I ended up really enjoying that book.

I've never read the Polar Express and I didn't see the movie. Now I want to see the book because a lot of people say the book is really good. :P

Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:01 pm

I read the Little Prince when I was 11, and it was it evoked a profound sense of sadness and loneliness in me.
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