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Fan Fiction

Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:33 pm

The best place to go for almost any show,book,anime,cartoon,movie and so on, is
It is a very good place for ppl who ask: "What would happen if..."
Its also a good place for ppl who have great Ideas for whatever.

Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:30 pm

I used to have an account there and on fiction press. But I stopped writing stories and deleted both my accounts. I really want to get back into the mood of writing stories.

Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:39 pm

I was never big into fan fiction (actually not into it at all), because I never felt the need to explore TV Shows/Movies/Whatever beyond what we were given. But then one day I stumbled upon an amazing work of art: Farscape. And suddenly fanfic didn't seem so stupid and there are a lot of great authors out there, ones that have made me sad, and happy and devasted, and angry, I've cried, and screamed, and laughed so hard I was pracitcly in tears. I don't go to though, I'm part of a forum that has the majority of it's space alotted to fic writers and readers for that specific show, because I'm still not into fanfiction has a whole at all.

Anyways, I just wanted to point out that there are some beyond incredible writers and that if you can find em they are definately worth the read, and the time to search.

Thu Mar 24, 2005 10:46 pm

I've recently been introduced to fanfiction, and there's some stuff out there that's definately worth reading. You just have to wade through all the badly spelled, confusing, and OOC crap to find it^^

I can't stand anime fanfiction, just seems wierd that people would write about something that's normally explained through pictures...

Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:05 pm

Amethyst wrote:I've recently been introduced to fanfiction, and there's some stuff out there that's definately worth reading. You just have to wade through all the badly spelled, confusing, and OOC crap to find it^^

I can't stand anime fanfiction, just seems wierd that people would write about something that's normally explained through pictures...

Yes, there are some very good writers out there. I go to Fanfiction.Net regularily, and every now and then find a fanfic that I get hooked on. :)

Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:37 pm

The Pit is the biggest, but it's far from being the best fanfiction archive, in any fandom.

The fics aren't read over by moderators before being accepted, which bothers me. Many people would be very willing to work for FFN for free, if just for bragging rights.

But anyway.

Unless I'm linked to something on the Pit, I don't usually visit there. My main fandom is Harry Potter, and the HP section of FFN's been overrun by Mary Sues, OOC fic, chatspeak, etc. The LotR section's quite similar...

I prefer the SugarQuill for HP fanfic, and occasionally Fiction Alley, though I don't consider that as good (and besides, while FA's open to everything (though every story's read through before being accepted, so there is some quality control, even if there's still a gazillion 'Sues), SQ has very strict rules for the fic that's submitted.), but I'm biased, because the SQ is a strictly R/Hr fanfic archive, and I'm a dedicated and kind of obsessed R/Hr shipper.

I do use the Pit for my own writing, though. My drabbles don't fit the guidelines of the SugarQuill. I've also submitted one of my fics to FA...

Ah, damn, I'm rambling again. God, I ramble a lot. So I must shut up now.
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