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What Comic book/Graphic novel are you reading now?

Wed May 11, 2005 10:00 am

We love to read comic books and graphic novels as well as text books. I couldn't find a thread for this and it felt odd including them in the novel thread as they are very different. I hope no one minds. :) I'd love to hear what everyone else has been reading. :)

(Btw, this does not include manga, manwha, or the sort. Those belong in the Anime and Manga board.)

I just finished Exiles #1: Down the Rabbit Hole published by Marvel. This is a series I've been looking at here and there and finally took the chance on it. :) It's very neat. Several X-Men characters throughout the different dimensions/timelines have been chosen in kind of a Quantam Leap storyline. There was some kind of disruption in each of their dimensions and they are tossed together to solve chinks in the timelines of other worlds in order to fix what happened in theirs. In this first book, they go to a world where Professor Xavier is bad and have to stop him and in another jump they end up at Jean Grey's Trial of Phoenix. Very cool stuff. :) Unfortunately, one main character dies already and is replaced by Sunfire. I wish we could have seen more of that character, but that was an interesting twist. In a review on

EXILES brings together six X-Men from different realities and sets them loose on missions to correct time-lines in still other realities. Mission: Impossible with mutants with a twist of "Marvel What-If". A mysterious being known only as the Time-Broker gathers Blink (born in the Age of Apocalypse), Nocturne (daughter of Nightcrawler and the Scarlet Witch), Thunderbird (another incarnation of John Proudstar), Magnus (son of Magneto and Rogue), Mimic (another incarnation of Calvin Rankin), and Morph (who comes with pratfall humor and is an incarnation of a character inspired by the X-Men cartoon series) and reveals their assignments. If they have any hope of returning to their different time-lines and altering the terrible events that took place there, they must straighten out various other time-lines first. Two different time-lines are presented in this graphic novel. In the first, the Exiles take on the most powerful evil mutant in the world: Charles Xavier. And in the second mission, they have to destroy Dark Phoenix instead of helping rescue Jean Grey.

I can't wait to read more in this series. It has great potential. :)

Mod Edit: Theres been a bit of an issue with this topic with reguards to people posting on it but not contributing too it. Please if you want to spam something, go elsewhere, this is not the place to do so.

Wed May 11, 2005 10:39 am

Does reading magazines count? ;)

Wed May 11, 2005 11:06 am

Alex wrote:Does reading magazines count? ;)

Lol. No. :P

Wed May 11, 2005 11:26 am

Darn. What about Macbeth in pictures? ;)

Wed May 11, 2005 11:51 am

I just finished reading the Spider-Girl Collection. It had #0-5 in it. It was good.

Wed May 11, 2005 8:18 pm

Just finished;

Transformers: matrix quest
(the matrix of creation has been lost, and the autobots and decepticons scramble to find it before the greatest evil of them all -Unicron- reaches cybertron)

Transformers: target 2006.
Galvatron jumps back in time to build a weapon to destroy unicron so that he might be free from his rule.
long story short, Unicron has manipulated the entire timline so that meggsy and prime end up dead...
its slightly confusing actually.

im looking for Transformers: all fall down, and end of the road to finish the trilogy.
(unicron reaches cybertron far earlier than expected, the matrix has been lost to a decepticon and corrupted, and unicrons going medieval on cybertrons butt (end of the road) and then the consequences of Unicrons "defeat" and what he did to cybertron and the transformers in his "dying" moments.
I use the term dying losely, as after three "deaths" of his physical form, and a couple good kicks to his spirit form hes still going strong, bounding around the dimensions being generally nasty.

Wed May 11, 2005 11:45 pm

You just put me in the mood to go dig out my Elfquest comic books again.



Thu May 12, 2005 6:33 pm

I have recently read Thundercats #4: Hammerhand's Revenge. :) I <3 the Thundercats series muchly, but this one wasn't nearly as good as the others. The story started really interesting, but then it just kind of dragged on. It's like they tried to see how many cool things they could add to the story without actually moving the plot much. The Griffins and Griffin Princess were very cool. It was cool to see the Berserkers and Hachiman (the samurai guy), too.

The last couple sections of the book seemed to be full of Snarf, though. >.< Now I like Snarf as much as the next person, but they made him really stupid and he also kept referring to himself in the third person. Snarf thinks this and Snarf does that . . . Ugh, I almost stopped reading the book, but I wanted to find out how it all ended. >.<

The battle at the end was good. Nice colorful battle scenes and I got to see the Thundertank in action. :) The very end didn't make much sense to me, though. o_O It was extremely pretty, but just . . . It seemed like the whole book went all over but didn't really seem to get anywhere. O.o

As I said before, the other Thundercats books were *way* better (especially #3. omg, that one was awesome. :) ), but this one just didn't do it for me. I'd say get it if you are a Thundercats collector or to have the whole series, but otherwise just borrow it from the library. :)

I'm waiting for them to give the Robear Berbils a nice part in the story. They appeared in the second book, but they just got ripped apart. :( As funny/disturbing as that was, I'd like them to actually have a decent part and live through it. lol

Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:58 am

i currently am reading the "a distant soil" series, which is interesting, although its getting annoying to find copies and stuff, had to go pester my manga obessed friend to help me out.

even though this isn't a manga board, i personally view comics as comics *expects to be hunted down for that statement* and am also reading some japanese fict, kare kanjo or something like that, which she lent to me. i prefer watching it(it has a series), its faster :P

Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:21 am

The other day I finished reading Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #1-3. These books were really fun. The first book had Spider-Man with Wolverine, The Hulk, and Iron Man. The second book had Spider-Man with the Fantastic Four, Man-Thing, the X-Men, and Dr. Strange. The third and last book had Spider-Man with Black Widow and Shang-Chi, Marvel's Master of Kung Fu. At the end of the third book was also a very neat Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special where Peter bumped into a bunch of different characters like Blade, Elektra, and Daredevil. It's drawn by the artist of the Ultimate Spider-Man series and Peter presents an awesome speech on who his hero is. I'd read the book just for that part. lol

I wish there were more of the Ultimate Team-Up books, but it looks as if this is the last one. Such a shame. I know Marvel purists complain, but I'm really enjoying the Ultimate line. :)

Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:09 am

I'm reading Negiuma! right now at least I think that is how it is spelled. Anyway it is pretty good. Yepperoonies.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:01 am

It's not really a manga but I'm reading "The Da Vinci Code - Illustrated Edition"

Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:14 pm

i'm reading the crouching tiger, hidden dragon manga. the art in it is really amazing.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:53 pm

matchbow wrote:i'm reading the crouching tiger, hidden dragon manga. the art in it is really amazing.

Ooh, we have that series. It's simply gorgeous. :) Tim has read #1-5, but have have up to #10. We also have Hero (the graphic novel of the movie). Awesome art. We're starting to dip into other kung fu comics as well.

Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:19 pm

I'm halfway through reading the newer Supergirl series... absolutely brilliant. I've ordered 40-50 out of the series of about 80. It's so difficult to get them in the UK. Blah.
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