SHHH!!! Can you read? Want to prove it? Meet fellow book worms and discuss the literary brilliance of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
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Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:31 am


Just finished reading, after reading non-stop for about 3 and a half hours.

I want the next book now >____<

Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:03 am

Ha ha... I'm so bad. I snuck to read the second-to-last chapter before I started reading.

EDIT: Snape is now my favourite character. :D

Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:51 am

Yeah, I got the book early, can't say how, but I did. Early in the day.
Read it all really fast, and OMG it was amazing, but ill talk more in depth with you guys later so there are no spoilers :lol: *i was JUST About to mention some funny things then realized of course, im sure all of you dont have it yet, and many of you wont for a while, much less read it.* however, i read it all. all of it. yes. sat down in the hammock. had a day off. finished it in bed.

And now. Im sad..... because of the end of the book. Not what happens, but just the fact that it IS the end of the book... and now i have to wait a year or more for the NEXT ONE! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:24 am

o_0 wrote:Ha ha... I'm so bad. I snuck to read the second-to-last chapter before I started reading.

That's what I did with OoTP ;)

I shall have my grubby little hands over it in around 3 hours. *can't wait*

Sat Jul 16, 2005 11:45 am

jellyoflight wrote:
o_0 wrote:Ha ha... I'm so bad. I snuck to read the second-to-last chapter before I started reading.

That's what I did with OoTP ;)

I shall have my grubby little hands over it in around 3 hours. *can't wait*

I wouldn't be able to do that... it would ruin the whole book for me :P

Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:01 pm

wow, who'd have thought Dumbledore dies?

Oh, yeah, like, everyone. Psssh.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:36 pm

Finished it too, in 6 hours too :D *is chuffed with that*
*depressed sigh* we all knew it was going to happen. What a kick in the teeth for Dumbles though....

Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:51 pm

Twinkle wrote:
Josephine wrote:ROLL ON TOMORROW.

Because I'm an uber nerd, are we going to keep using this thread after we've all read it? Or do a new one with a big spoiler warning on it, like the one we had when OoTP came out?

I have no idea. Maybe it needs a split though. I'd suggest a new thread for those who have read it and let those who haven't continue specualting here.

(Sorry for ignoring you hun! :hug: )

Lol, I'm sorry. I was being stupid.




Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:24 pm

I finished it about 2 hours ago. Been crying since... I don't really have anything to say.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:32 pm

Woah. That was brilliant. This post will be disjointed... It's just what I'm thinking right now.

Dumbledore died. I cried. His funeral was smurfing genius.

Draco is REDEEMABLE! HE WILL BE REDEEMED! (loved the scene with Narcissa and Bellatrix... Narcissa may be a cow, but she loves her son)

Snape. I personally still think Dumbledore was right, Snape is on the good side. The "revulsion and hated" Snape was feeling was directed at himself, (for killing Dumbledore) and at Voldemort (for giving him no option... and for being Voldemort, really) and Snape HAD to kill Dumbledore, so he wouldn't blow his cover as a spy, can help destroy Voldemort in the next book, and doesn't break his oath to Narcissa... whom I think he may hold a candle for.

Ron/Hermione/Lavender. Oh god... I felt so sorry for Hermione crying in the classroom, but thank god they seem to realise and embrace what they feel for each other by the end. I cried at that also.

Fleur really does love Bill, and Bill being disfigured by the UBER creepy Greyback was another great touch.

Fred and George <3

TONKS AND REMUS! Oh my god oh my god. The pairing of dreams! Personally I think Tonks did have feelings for Sirius, but she loves Remus. Cried at that too.

I could go on forever about all the parts I loved, but I won't.

Harry has to get the Horcruxes and destroy them, and then Voldemort.

My opinion -

a) He'll do it and live happily ever after with Ginny
b) He'll do it and die happy. Ish

GOOD GRIEF, Harry and Ginny! JKR, I LOVE YOU!

All the moments between them <3

But when he LEFT HER. OH MY GOD. "We could have had years"...

I cried BUCKETS at that.


My favourite book so far. <3

I need to go and lie down.


Misquoted Harry about Ginny, but meh. He basically said that!

Merope. I loved her. Genius.

I still love Snape. DON'T THROW ROCKS! He's such a fascinating character... His parents... Him at school... The Half Blood Prince.
Last edited by Josephine on Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:46 pm

Josephine wrote:
But when he LEFT HER. OH MY GOD. "We could have had years"...

I cried BUCKETS at that.


'We could have had years...when we were TWELVE'

If they'd got together then they would've so not worked.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:49 pm

A day, more or less, well spent :)

Got the book at 0714 in the morning, and with 1 toilet break, one meal break and a rather long gummy bear break, I got through that book in 9.5 hours. But it was still worth it :P

It has to be the best book so far, maybe. They're all good. The plot... Well, yeah, it was great. It wasn't like all the other books in that there was a definite plot all the way throughout, like the 'Philosopher's Stone' or 'The Champer of Secrets', in which the whole book was gearing up for this one big end thing, it was more... a good plot.

The curse of the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher remains ;)

I am so trying out Harry's line...

"Yes sir"
"You don't need to call me sir."

Heh :P

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:56 pm

Igg wrote:
Josephine wrote:
But when he LEFT HER. OH MY GOD. "We could have had years"...

I cried BUCKETS at that.


'We could have had years...when we were TWELVE'

If they'd got together then they would've so not worked.


My fangirlism right now knows no bounds.

Ron and Hermione crying together -*SOB*

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:59 pm

3 hours 25. 8)

And that was while my brother was listening to the sugababes, rofl.

Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:05 pm

That "hoax" was right. The book did leak.
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