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Series of Unfortunate Events

Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:33 pm

Personally, I quit in the middle of Hostile Hospital, because I was very, very interested in the Baudelaire parents' little club, but frankly bored and annoyed by the Baudelaires themselves. However, given that the final book in the series has just been released, I thought a thread for it was in order.

Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:12 pm

I've read all of the books, and I'm happy the last one's finally out! :D I haven't bought it yet, though. I can't wait to read it.

Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:37 pm

I just finished the final book yesterday. I'm very impressed with how perceptive Handler is. In The End, he expects a lot of maturity from his audience, which is good because I hate it when children's books coddle their readers.

Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:56 pm

The End was a very very weird book. I will say no more about it right now, but I just found the whole book weird, though not bad-weird.

Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:20 pm

I just finished The End.


It's amazing how it felt like everything was explained, but how we still know almost nothing about VFD and the sugar bowl and all that.

Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:01 pm

I read all the books in a month
My sister was the one who liked them first them I started reading them because I had nothing else to read and they are really good (exept for the first chapter, that part makes me want to put the book down)

Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:14 am

...I've only read the first and last one. Why? I guess because I just never got around to reading the rest and I wanted to know how it ended.

Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:35 pm

I was really frustrated by the end of "The End" (last book). I like that they didn't have a wonderfully happy ending (After all it IS a series of unfortunate events) but they didn't explain enough to help me tie all the loose ends together.

I've read all the books in the series, and I'm debating getting the "Unautherized Autobiography" of Lemony Snicket to see if it ties together any of loose ends. Has anyone here read it?

Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:37 pm

I only read the first couple of books and I want to finish the series sooo bad.

Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:41 am

The Unauthorised Autobiography doesn't really tie up any loose ends, if I recall correctly. I read it before the end of the series was published and it didn't satisfy my curiosity. I would like to check out The Beatrice Letters though.

It was a little bit disappointing to not know much more than when I first started reading the book - it's hard to say whether he deliberately didn't want to satisfy his readers, or if he didn't know how to tie them up after all and copped out this way. I'll have a think about that.

On the other hand, I was okay with the ending. It reflects something of life well enough and I can live with it. It is just not going to be one of those books I will remember many years from now and say, 'That was one of the best books I've ever read.'

Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:48 am

I think that he realized that, for certain things, whatever he did would never be as interesting as what we imagined. I'm pretty grateful that he didn't try to tie up all of the loose ends--endings like that aren't my cup of tea.

I haven't read The Beatrice Letters, though, so it might explain a lot more.

Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:04 pm

I agree, Pudding- I was actually really happy with how The End ended, loose ends and all.

I finally got around to reading it a week or so ago, and man, that book kept me up all night thinking about things. I have yet to read The Beatrice Letters and/or The Unauthorised Biography, but I have read the summaries of both (*smacks self* bad Xandra! Bad!) on Wikipedia, and it seems that The Beatrice Letters, at least, explains quite a bit more, even if, as usual, it creates even more questions.

But now I want to know what was up with Kit Snicket and Count Olaf.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:12 am

schlough wrote:

I've read all the books in the series, and I'm debating getting the "Unautherized Autobiography" of Lemony Snicket to see if it ties together any of loose ends. Has anyone here read it?

Yes, I've read it, and I can tell you anything in it. It's not really a book, more like pieces of paper, (letters, diary entries, etc.) put together.

Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:36 am

I really liked all of the books. :) My favorites were the one about the school (what was that called?) and the slippery slope. They made me laugh but also gave me a lot to think about and try to solve. I think I figured out what happened to the Bauldalires from the Beatrice letters, along with alot about who Beatrice is and which Beatrice is which.... :)

Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:51 pm

Kittygirl123 wrote:I really liked all of the books. :) My favorites were the one about the school (what was that called?) and the slippery slope.

School one is The Austere Academy, I believe.
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