SHHH!!! Can you read? Want to prove it? Meet fellow book worms and discuss the literary brilliance of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
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Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:05 pm

Dawn2 wrote:
Twizzler0171 wrote:
Ammer wrote:You do know that she is making three more after this one? One for Year Seven and two of Harry's after life.

Ammer said 'After life'. That means Harry's a ghost, obviously. :lol:

I am positive that she would not say that. That would mean that he dies, of course, which J.K. Rowling would not give away.

You guys misunderstood me or I put my phrasing wrong. I meant Harry's life after school. Not his life after his death.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 3:14 pm

Ammer wrote:
Dawn2 wrote:
Twizzler0171 wrote:
Ammer wrote:You do know that she is making three more after this one? One for Year Seven and two of Harry's after life.

Ammer said 'After life'. That means Harry's a ghost, obviously. :lol:

I am positive that she would not say that. That would mean that he dies, of course, which J.K. Rowling would not give away.

You guys misunderstood me or I put my phrasing wrong. I meant Harry's life after school. Not his life after his death.

Even so, she said she wants to move on after the seventh book. And even saying that she will write about his life after school is saying he LIVES, which is still giving stuff away. And that's something she doesn't do often.

Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:37 pm

Not necessarily. ^^ What about if he dies at the end of the ninth book?

Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:02 pm

Sapphire Faerie wrote:
Twitchy wrote:Well, Tom Riddle, is Voldemort. It's like voldemorts shell.....Tom Riddle, isn't completley Voldemort, but, he is part of him. But yes I agree. It would be just like an auther to say that. But that doesn't mean that that is what is going to happen.

Their are clues in the second book;Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets.

It is probably going to be someone completley unexpected. Somene J K Rowling would have thought that none of her fans would have guessed of. Someone like a family member from the dursleys. Nevil, many people think it is him but;

He choose you Harry. Not the pure blood[which acording to himwas the only type of wizad worth being] but you, trhe half blood like himself.

That isn't the exact quote, but it's close enough. So, it can;t be Nevil, because it is the Half Blood Prince, and nevil is 'pure blood'. Malfoy is pure blood too.

I thought it would be sean finigan, I am pretty sure he is half blood.

Seamus Finnegan is a half-blood. But she also said that she also named Chamber Of Secrets "Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince". The books are always named for something that takes a fairly vital roll in them:
The Philosoper's/Sorcerer's Stone (Harry saved it from Voldemort). The
Chamber Of Secrets (Harry went into it and met Tom Riddle). The
Prisoner Of Azkaban (Harry things the PoA is responsible for his parent's death and now whats to kill him)
The Goblet Of Fire (It spewed out his name, which is why he participated in the tournement, which helped Voldemort to be reborn)
The Order Of The Pheonix (Society created to help protect Harry/The world from Voldemort)

The last two are kind of minor, GoF could have been called "Harry Potter and the Tri-Wizard Tournement" you could get more specific with events that actually occured in that graveyard, but they might give away too much.
OotP could have been called "Harry Potter and the Department of Mysterys" or better yet "Harry Potter and the Lost Prophesy".
My point? Whoever the HBP is, it's someone worthy enough of having Book 2 named after them. Granted she said she removed stuff from Book 2, and when she did, she decided to change the title. If the HPB was anyone but Tom Riddle, she would have had to have taken quite a bit out of book 2.

But still. Like I said, it would be someone totaly enexpected, she probably knew that everyone would expect Tom.... Seneus finigan, no-one pays much attention tot eh side chars normaly, so it would not be a big shock to me if her turened ou to be the HBP.

Don't forget that Hagrid played a big part in Book 2 as well. Wasn't Collin Creevy in Book 2? Does anyone remember if he is a half-blood or not? I thought it was mentioned somewhere that he had good potential or strong powers or something (that he might not realize), just as a sidenote somewhere or something.

Hagrid, is also a good possibiliyty for the HBP, although, he would be movre of a HBK.... o_O

Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:41 pm

Twitchy wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:
Twitchy wrote:Well, Tom Riddle, is Voldemort. It's like voldemorts shell.....Tom Riddle, isn't completley Voldemort, but, he is part of him. But yes I agree. It would be just like an auther to say that. But that doesn't mean that that is what is going to happen.

Their are clues in the second book;Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets.

It is probably going to be someone completley unexpected. Somene J K Rowling would have thought that none of her fans would have guessed of. Someone like a family member from the dursleys. Nevil, many people think it is him but;

He choose you Harry. Not the pure blood[which acording to himwas the only type of wizad worth being] but you, trhe half blood like himself.

That isn't the exact quote, but it's close enough. So, it can;t be Nevil, because it is the Half Blood Prince, and nevil is 'pure blood'. Malfoy is pure blood too.

I thought it would be sean finigan, I am pretty sure he is half blood.

Seamus Finnegan is a half-blood. But she also said that she also named Chamber Of Secrets "Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince". The books are always named for something that takes a fairly vital roll in them:
The Philosoper's/Sorcerer's Stone (Harry saved it from Voldemort). The
Chamber Of Secrets (Harry went into it and met Tom Riddle). The
Prisoner Of Azkaban (Harry things the PoA is responsible for his parent's death and now whats to kill him)
The Goblet Of Fire (It spewed out his name, which is why he participated in the tournement, which helped Voldemort to be reborn)
The Order Of The Pheonix (Society created to help protect Harry/The world from Voldemort)

The last two are kind of minor, GoF could have been called "Harry Potter and the Tri-Wizard Tournement" you could get more specific with events that actually occured in that graveyard, but they might give away too much.
OotP could have been called "Harry Potter and the Department of Mysterys" or better yet "Harry Potter and the Lost Prophesy".
My point? Whoever the HBP is, it's someone worthy enough of having Book 2 named after them. Granted she said she removed stuff from Book 2, and when she did, she decided to change the title. If the HPB was anyone but Tom Riddle, she would have had to have taken quite a bit out of book 2.

But still. Like I said, it would be someone totaly enexpected, she probably knew that everyone would expect Tom.... Seneus finigan, no-one pays much attention tot eh side chars normaly, so it would not be a big shock to me if her turened ou to be the HBP.

Don't forget that Hagrid played a big part in Book 2 as well. Wasn't Collin Creevy in Book 2? Does anyone remember if he is a half-blood or not? I thought it was mentioned somewhere that he had good potential or strong powers or something (that he might not realize), just as a sidenote somewhere or something.

Hagrid, is also a good possibiliyty for the HBP, although, he would be movre of a HBK.... o_O

I think colin's a muggle-born. I can vaguely recall him saying that his dad was a milkman or something. O_o

Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:03 am

I have a huge feeling that Hagrid will be the HBP, after all, he can't be a HBK because his mother's still alive, isn't she? O_o. I swear she is alive, right?

Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:13 am

Anubis wrote:I have a huge feeling that Hagrid will be the HBP, after all, he can't be a HBK because his mother's still alive, isn't she? O_o. I swear she is alive, right?

Hagrid finds out during his journey with Madame Maxime that his mother died. (He tells Harry & Company in Book 5, as soon as he gets back).

Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:39 am

I don't remember that at all. O_o I've read the book twice, too.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:06 am

It's in the chapter "Hagrid's Tale" just before Umbridge shows up at Hagrid's cabin.

"Hagrid?" said Hermione quietly after a while.
"Did you . . . was there any sign of . . . did you hear anything about your . . . mother while you were there?"
Hagrid's unobscured eye rested upon her, and Hermione looked rather scared.
"I'm sorry . . . I . . . forget it ---"
"Dead," Hagrid grunted. "Died years ago. They told me."
"Oh . . . I'm . . . I'm really sorry," said Hermione in a very small voice.
Hagrid shrugged his massive shoulders. "No need," he said shortly. "Can' remember her much. Wasn' a great mother."

Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:58 pm

Anubis wrote:I don't remember that at all. O_o I've read the book twice, too.

Well its in there.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 6:44 pm

Oh yeah, I remember... just looked it up.

Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:05 pm

I have a feeling HBP is not Tom Riddle, because, as many people said, it's Voldemort's past. He is past life was destroyed, so it's only a memory now. And JKR definetly said that it wasn't Voldemort, so there's no chance of that happening.

Mark wrote:Jasujo wrote:
Don't forget that Hagrid played a big part in Book 2 as well. Wasn't Collin Creevy in Book 2? Does anyone remember if he is a half-blood or not? I thought it was mentioned somewhere that he had good potential or strong powers or something (that he might not realize), just as a sidenote somewhere or something.

I think Colin is a half-blood. Remember he said something about his dad being a milkman?

He's muggle-born. I think he said something about that. Anyway, if he wasn't muggle-born, how come he didn't know anything about magic, except about Harry?

Ammer wrote:You guys misunderstood me or I put my phrasing wrong. I meant Harry's life after school. Not his life after his death.

Didn't JKR say something about making the last chapter in Book 7 an epilogue? It would be pretty hard to make a whole book (even the size of those textbooks she wrote) on what happened after? What if Harry dies?

Anyway, you guys are only thinking about who it could be...What about why he's Half-Blood Prince, and what role he might play?

Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:54 am

I am dead sure t is hadrid now...but I still don't get what JKR meant when she said:

their are clues in the second book.
......... :thinking:

Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:17 pm

whoa half-blood prince? gotta read CoS again......

this is confusing.... i'll make a list of possible characters after i'm done.

How is he a prince? :o

Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:28 pm

The kin of godric.
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