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A serise of unfortunate events?

Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:36 pm

Who else reads these books?

I do and I think they are very good. The film is comeing out on the 9th(or so) of december.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:43 pm

A film? That should be entertaining, and carry on the entertainment of these books, still, I really don't think that such a graphical representation could score very highly against the spectacl of Lemony Snicket's written work at all.

These books are very easy to get into, and associate with. Though the storylines are completely predictible, attempt to be funny but are actually not, and get a bit of a bore, the fact that the author's style of writing is exceedingly patronising and irritable to fluent english speakers, and the charecters have hardly been developed, I still find these books a joy to read, just because they are so quirky, and they just seem to 'click' with me.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:46 pm

Matt wrote:A film? That should be entertaining, and carry on the entertainment of these books, still, I really don't think that such a graphical representation could score very highly against the spectacl of Lemony Snicket's written work at all.

These books are very easy to get into, and associate with. Though the storylines are completely predictible, attempt to be funny but are actually not, and get a bit of a bore, the fact that the author's style of writing is exceedingly patronising and irritable to fluent english speakers, and the charecters have hardly been developed, I still find these books a joy to read, just because they are so quirky, and they just seem to 'click' with me.

I disagree, The books are not always the predicatble. In the tenth book, you ever expected them for find quigley, or camerlieta spats.

Sometimes they are predicatble, but nt always.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:07 pm

I've only read the first two. I really liked them. They only take me half an hour to read but I suppose they are meant for children.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:13 pm

Hmm, I find the Series of Unfortunately events books to be amongst the most dull and boring books I've ever read, they aren't gripping, they are frustrating, and they are tiny.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:42 pm

They're alright. Overrated though, in my opinion, they aren't that good.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:53 pm

It comes out the 17th. They're not close to the best thing I've read, but I like them quite a bit... my favorite is a tie between 1 and 10. They're funny, and I'm grateful Snicket has stopped giving real definitions and is giving playful ones, like "Count Olaf talked till the cows came home", in this case, means "talked till there wasn't any wine left".

And the Quagmires rock.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:37 am

I used to love the books... When I was ten or eleven. I still read them, but they're not really excellent literature. The plots are very predictable, and the books seem to be droning on and on, lately. Good and interesting ideas, but poorly executed.

(And the movie sounds awful... Jim Carrey's playing Olaf, and they're putting the first three books into the first movie... Plus, looking at the two trailers, it seems more like a comedy than a dark children's drama/horror)

Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:10 am

I borrowed them off my friend, but I didn't like them enough to buy a copy for myself.

One thing which really irritates me about them is that the author feels the need to explain any word over three sylables. It's ok a few times, but it gets annoying after a while >.<

Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:42 am

I like the series.

It's got an abnormal story and it's a quick read.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:10 am

Alex wrote:I borrowed them off my friend, but I didn't like them enough to buy a copy for myself.

One thing which really irritates me about them is that the author feels the need to explain any word over three sylables. It's ok a few times, but it gets annoying after a while >.<

But that's because the books are meant for children who don't know what most of the words mean.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:27 pm

I love them^^ My friend and I have proclaimed ourselves unnoficial members of VFD, even though we don't really know what they do:p

I've got my copy of book 11 preordered. *counts down until 9/21*

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:16 pm

I haven't read book ten. *grumbles* Spoilt... *mutter mutter*

Anyway! :roll: I like the books. I find Lemony Snicket's definitions a tad annoying, but hey. The books are funny and predictable... but that kinda makes me laugh. o.O

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:20 pm

They're decent enough books, but nothing special for me. I am rather fond of this Lemony Snicket chappie though.

Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:52 pm

I have seen a few films with Jim Carrey in them, he is a comedy type guy, so have to agree with ...Alex's opinion.

They can be pretty predictable, but not always.

I also find the definitions a tad annoying, it is almost as if he is trying to just fill up space rather than actuly make the book as intrestig as he can, which is annoying.

Overall the books are good, and I do read then quite quickly, but the agin I am a fast reader. They are not tiny as such, but the first few books were quite small, I think book ten was the largest of them all. But I could be wrong bcause th 11t book has come out in america, that could be bigger than the 10th.
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