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Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:27 am

Dragonfire wrote:Plus, the regular iPod has a greater chance of becoming obsolete when a new version comes out.

The regular iPod is obsolete right now... they no longer make the "regular" iPods. Now all they make are the Shuffle, the Nano, and the 30+6o GB Video iPods.

I originally wanted to just buy a "regular" iPod too, because I just need something to store all my music (20+ GB) but found out they don't distribute them anymore. So I just bought the 30 GB... but now I'm considering selling my 30 GB and purchasing a 60 GB, because I'm going to run out of space pretty soon on it. :'-(

Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:32 am

I wouldn't touch a iPod with a 10 foot pole, what obsolete pieces of crap they are. Get a iRiver or iAudio.

Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:58 pm

Or some other iDuplicate? :P
(sorry, couldn't resist the name joke)

Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:29 pm

If you're not so set on an Ipod, there are certainly other excellent mp3 players out there...

Sandisk has their line of Sansa m200 MP3 players that are flash based and cheaper (2 gig for $130, 4 gig for $160, cheaper because sandisk MAKES flash memory). I have a 2 gig (actually it's 1.9 gig...) version that works excellent. It also has FM radio and a cheap but useable voice recorder (the likes of which won me a Random Contest trophy). It is powered by AAAs, but I bought a battery charger at one point, so that's not really a problem.

iPod Nanos

Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:35 pm

Okay, there are a few possible reasons for getting an iPod Nano or not getting one.

Pros of getting one -
Small, more of a pocket size then the regular ones.

-Price Comparison
40 GB = 250 on Ebay for New (I got a deal huh), 350-400 usually for new
iPod nano 2 GB =$190-210
So if moneys an issue and you don't plan to put loads of music on it, get a Nano

Cons of getting one -
They only come in 1, 2, 4, 6 GB.
You can get a 40 GB fourth generation in new condition on eBay for 250 (Thats how I bought mine!)
Memory is VERY limited, if your a big music fan you want to go with a regular iPod, not a Nano
They are very breakable, and scratch easily (You can just get a skin and a screen protector if you want to avoid this, quick fix)

The cons outway the pros, so I would go with a regular one that has large memory (20, 30, 40, 60 GB)

Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:56 am

I am getting a 30 gig next week :D

Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:50 pm

alright, as much as i wanted a 40 or 60 gig, I got a 2 GB nano for free, so i'm not one to complain. I have exactly one day of music on it and although i find the whole itunes thing unnecessary, not to mention the fact that it make things more complicated, the ipod itself is cool. it does however bug me that by merely having one, it is going to scratch. you could leave it in the box and it will still probably get all scratched up (alright, so i'm exaggerating, but you get my point). i've had it for about a day.

Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:52 am

Whatever your do: DON'T RUB THE SCREEN!

I've had a 30gig video since the day it came out. I also had the original 40gig, the mini, and I had a nano for about 2 weeks.

Anyways, while in class I went to rub a smudge off of the screen with my sweater sleeve, and alas, there is now a large scratch in the bottom right corner of my screen. It usn't horrible, per se, but annoying and saddening.

Yes, it will get scratched, but my advice is to keeep dirt and other particles from getting on it, and find a case that protects the screen as well as the rest of the ipod. Make sure that when you put the case on the the screen is clean, otherwise all the dirt and stuff gets caught under there and can scratch.

IMO, the 30gig is worth the $300 or w/e I paid for it. I've used about 15 of the 27.8 gigs on there and I've got tons of crap on there. I even have the first ten episodes of Chobits on it. And the first 4 episodes of Ergo Proxy (that's a great show, btw)

Oh, and the back is annoying as heck, because of the reflective metal. It smudges and shows fingerprints. I hate that.

Have fun with the ipod. They're great, eh?

the faithful "ipod lover"-"apple computer hater"

Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:12 am

Get an iSkin.

Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:54 pm

I have a red iskin :D

Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:08 pm

another thing to look at protecting is also the clickwheel. mines a bit scratched now, and i was very cross when i found out there isn't really a good protector for it (i have a 6gb mini) i think the nano has a okay one that is built into the skin, but having something over it does affect the responsiveness of the clickwheel.

depends on how fanatical you are about keeping your things in pristine condition. :P

Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:55 pm

autechre wrote:another thing to look at protecting is also the clickwheel. mines a bit scratched now, and i was very cross when i found out there isn't really a good protector for it (i have a 6gb mini) i think the nano has a okay one that is built into the skin, but having something over it does affect the responsiveness of the clickwheel.

depends on how fanatical you are about keeping your things in pristine condition. :P

It depends how much pressure you put on the wheel, obviously not pushing down too hard, but a very small amount of pressure on the wheel should be okay.
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