Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:34 pm
Sun Nov 13, 2005 12:47 am
Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:30 am
Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:35 pm
Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:27 pm
Breene wrote:Wow thank you both...this is helping alot. The only reason i wanted media center was because one of my buddies got it and ive seen it. Its pretty nice and i like how organized it all is. He has TV running while playing a game or something also looked pretty cool and since i have TV in my room i could probaby manage it. But now that I hear some second opinions ill look it over a bit more. Thanks for the advice but please keep it coming. Its realy helping.
A few questions...
What exactly does a 60 gig 7200rpm hard drive do? whats the difference compared to a normal one?
Also the media edition comes standard with the 9300 series so why not...
And as far as upgrading goes how easy is it with a laptop? Like in the future if i need to upgrade a vidieo card or something like that can i just pop it open and stick it in?
For it being out of date for collage i think ill be ok. My current computer has 3 regular users and weve had it for about 5 years. I take good care of it and know how to make it run fast so as long as I pump the vital stuff like ram it should be great. for example I have 256 ram on this and I can run PSP8 and guild wars without it freezing up too much.
Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:00 pm
Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:07 am
Mon Nov 14, 2005 2:45 am
ArwenEarendil wrote:'Lo, I have a Inspiron 9300 as well...
The RAM idea is good, so long as you know how to change it (instructions can probably be found at Google).
For the hard drive, just get the standard 60 GB if you aren't using the laptop for more than simple games and school work.
As for upgrading, eh. The CPU is not that easy to upgrade. I've never taken apart THIS laptop, but taking apart my other one required a bit of elbow grease and irritation (also with changing CPUs, you can hit barriers of compatability...).
The Media Center is okay, but it sometimes get annoying. It's free by all means, but sometime I accidentally invoke it by the QuickSet.
The standard monitor on the 9300 is great, but like abqprg62, I upgraded it for TrueLife for 100 bucks. It's pretty sweet. It doesn't have the standard LCD-ish invertion of colors when you're at an odd viewing angle.
Anyhow, your best bet? Take the suggestions on the hard drives and RAM, but pick a CPU on Dell that is decent, so you don't have to change it.