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There's a worm in my apple...

Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:36 pm

...something's borked about my iPod and my computer. I've had my iPod for a while now, but have never been able to get it to work on my computer. I followed the setup perfectly, my computer is relatively new (within the guidelines the iPod requires) and I know my iPod works because I installed the software on my older brother's computer in exactly the same manner I did on my computer, but whenever I try it with my computer (I tried on my comp first, then on my brothers and have now tried again on my computer) it always claims my iPod needs formatting, then fails to install correctly (it will sit there trying to format for hours on my comp, then fail and claim I need to format it again).

It worked perfectly without having to format it on my older brother's computer, is there anything I can do to remedy this ? I'm getting sick of having to use my older brother's computer to edit my playlists :roll:

Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:43 pm

It might actually be a problem with the iPod....I know my Chibis were like that before I got them replaced.

But you say it works fine on your brother's computer? Hmm.
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