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I need help with my web page

Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:35 pm

Can anyone tell me how to create back pages that are attached to my web site?? I have tried repeatedly with different code and nothing is working? Wha t am I doing wrong? I have resorted to "Web Design for Dummies" I didn't think I was dumb but I am begininning to seriously wonder - lol. HELP - please.

Sat Jul 10, 2004 9:54 pm

Please go into more depth with your question. :P

Creating 2nd Pages/Links on Web Site

Sat Jul 10, 2004 10:08 pm

Okay I will try to explain what I am trying to do but keep in mind this is all new to me.... I am trying to create a 2nd page or new page (maybe that is what it is called) off my front page of my web site. I want to be able to put more information on that second page - info that I don't want on the main web site page. This would allow me to have different pages that people can go to for different information instead of everything be on just the main site. Right now when you go to my web site address all the information is on that main site address with the exception of the few links I have to other web sites. However, I have other information that I need to put on my site that doesn't need to be linked to a different address - it is in the form of .txt files. I don't want them on the front page of the site as it would make the front very long and require excessive scrolling. When I map the site it requires several .html pages but I don't know how to create those - I know there is some way to code them but I can't figure out how to do this - I have looked at the recommended sites but they seem to assume you should know how to already do that part of web design.

Does that help any or have I made this even more confusing. Because I am really lost at this point. I have spent all afternoon trying to figure this out and am ready to throw in the towel so to speak.

Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:47 pm

split up your huge web page into your several different pages, and name them as how you want them even if it's page1, page2 in your .html or .htm format depending on the extension of the first page. to keep from confusing you. and upload them onto your server.

do you already have a menu on your website?

If you do then you just add the links to the other pages for it.

<a href="URL OF PAGE 1">Home or page 1 or whatever title you want</a><br>
<a href="URL OF PAGE 2">Page 2 or other Title</a><br>
<a href="URL OF PAGE 3">Page 3....</a>

You get the general idea or should after that. I just put the br's after the code automatically, it's habit for me since my server doesn't autoformat. Leaving them in will do nothing anyways.

If you need any more help I will be glad to help, I'll be offline for a bit, but I will get back to you if you PM me, or post here.

Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:36 pm

yep use <a href="URL HERE">stuff</a> which will lallo wyou to goto diffrent page, i have a question do you know i fyour server supports php or not?

Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:07 am

When I map the site it requires several .html pages but I don't know how to create those - I know there is some way to code them but I can't figure out how to do this - I have looked at the recommended sites but they seem to assume you should know how to already do that part of web design.

If you're on windows, open the .txt file and save it as a .html using notepad or you can go and rename it via my computer or on your webFTP (rename file blah.txt blah.html). An html page uses these tags:

 <title>Your site title here</title>
 <style type="css/text">
  Your CSS codes here if you have any.

 Your content goes here along with your navigation and pictures etc.

Hope that helps.
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