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CSS Help?

Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:00 am

I just have a quick question about my CSS code for my website. So you know about the DIV thingy right? So could I add HTML into the stylesheet in the DIV part because it is tiring to upload every single page. (Sorry it's obvious, I'm just not smart with this stuff). If I can't is there an alternative to that where I can just upload the CSS and have all pages change their navigation layout like that?

Oh, and another question, but not about CSS. With my website, I've seen the /foldername in the address. I want to have that where someone can just type in and get to that page without the games.html part. (I use Leap FTP by the way) I put the files in the folders both on my computer and when they are uploaded, but they just show the Page Not Found page. Thanks!

Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:10 am

Html goes in the html pafe, the div's are put into the html, the css code can either be put in a seperate style sheet *.css and referenced in the html by coding:
The phpbb code won't let me put into the link tag:

link href="whatever.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"

Or you can code the css within the page: eg.

.content{color: red;}
a {color: blue;}

For this code, the .content div in the html
The phpbb code won't let me put this bit within the div tag

div class="content"

<div>Whatever the content has to be</div>

The way you're describing what you're doing, just make up the *.css file, then make a template up including navigation. When you're ready, shove the content in and then replicate the page as you need to. That sounds like the easiest way.

the /folername depends on how your server is set up. Try putting an index.htm or index.html within that folder, it should then go to that page when you do the and hit enter.

Good luck!
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