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Layout help

Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:23 pm

Hey, i was wondering whether i should code my guild layout using tables or div layers?
Here's the unsliced layout:
Can anyone help me code it using div layer? or give me links with tutorials please.

here's the temp site coded using tables (ignore the ads)

my code:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
A:link {text-decoration: none; color:green}
A:visited {text-decoration: none; color:green}
A:active {text-decoration: none; color:green}
A:hover {text-decoration: none; color:green}
<!-- ImageReady Slices (Untitled-5) -->
    <TD COLSPAN=5> <img src="images/index_01.gif" width=417 height=182 alt=""></TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=6>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_02.gif" WIDTH=26 HEIGHT=591 ALT=""></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=375 HEIGHT=121 COLSPAN=3 align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="F5DEB3" bg="images/index_03.gif" ALT="">
<iframe src="news.htm" align="top" width="375" height="121" scrolling="yes" FRAMEBORDER="0" name="content"></iframe></TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=6>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_04.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=591 ALT=""></TD>
      <TD COLSPAN=3>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_05.gif" WIDTH=375 HEIGHT=83 ALT=""></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=177 HEIGHT=121 valign="top" bgcolor="wheat" ALT=""><font size="1" face="Verdana"><strong>*
      Poll Competition<br>
      * Armada Competition<br>
      * Gallery Spotlight<br>
      * Quote of the Week<br>
      * Quest Competition<br>
      * Find A Pet Competition<br>
      * Lottery Competition<br>
      * Stock Guessing Competition<br>
      * Guild Referral Program</strong></font></TD>
      <TD ROWSPAN=4>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_07.gif" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=387 ALT=""></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=182 HEIGHT=121 valign="top" background="images/index_08.gif" ALT=""><div align="center"><font color="#FF0000" face="arial"><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Ceciliasms</font></strong></font><font face="Verdana"><strong><font size="2">
        <img src="dubloon5.gif" width="80" height="80"> </font></strong></font></div></TD>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_09.gif" WIDTH=177 HEIGHT=91 ALT=""></TD>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_10.gif" WIDTH=182 HEIGHT=91 ALT=""></TD>
    <TD WIDTH=177 HEIGHT=121 valign="top" bgcolor="wheat" ALT=""><font size="1" face="Verdana"><strong><font color="#FF0000">Welcome
      to <u>all</u> our new members</font> <br>
      See our Guild Website <br>
      for all the help<br>
      you need.<br>
      <font size="2"><br>
      <marquee scrollamount="5">
      <a href=""></a>
      <marquee scrollamount="5">
      <a href=""> </a>
    <TD WIDTH=182 HEIGHT=121 valign="middle" background="images/index_12.gif" ALT="">
<div align="center"><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><a href="">tylidian</a>
        <a href="">jonnyk333</a><br>
        <a href="">regis_100</a><br>
        <a href="">deathmf_rules</a><br>
        <a href="">jester214</a></font></strong></div></TD>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_13.gif" WIDTH=177 HEIGHT=54 ALT=""></TD>
         <IMG SRC="images/index_14.gif" WIDTH=182 HEIGHT=54 ALT=""></TD>
<!-- Layout by Chiaren (_r89tc_) -->

Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:07 pm

i actually think the way you have it is for the best because div layers really mess up alot especially on browsers ike netscape and stuff

Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:32 am

I'd make it with div layers, much less and much cleaner code. And it should work with all 5+ browsers? Before that I don't know.
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