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Burning movies

Fri May 23, 2008 3:40 am

I want to burn the movies I have on my computer onto DVDs that will play both in my DVD player and my computer. Can anyone recommend a program that I could use to accomplish this?
(I run Mac OSX)

Re: Burning movies

Fri May 23, 2008 10:30 am

Are they .avi files? I believe I have found a program - 'Burn', which you can download here.

Here's a tutorial from a LJ community:

Alrighty. Install and open up Burn.

First thing you want to do to ensure that the quality doesn't look like smurf (the first one I burned looked like smurf :P) Go up to the menubar and go to Burn > Preferences or just hit Command + ,

Go to the Video Tab, it'll look something like this.


Keep the audio bitrate at 128, but change the video bitrate to something higher. I keep mine at at least 2000 kbps, just to be safe. Don't put it too high though, or else the file won't fit on the DVD. Somewhere between 2000 and 4000 kbps should be fine.

Close the Preferences window and go back to the main window. Choose the "Video" tab and make sure the dropdown menu says "DVD"


Name your disc whatever the hell you want :P When you've decided that, find the movie you want to burn and drag it into the window. It will take a minute to analyze and then ask if you want to convert it to a DVD mpg. Click Yes, and Burn will begin to convert the AVI to an MPG compatible with burning to a DVD.

Depending on your processor speed and this length of the file, the time this will take will vary. I have a 1.8 gHz G5 and it takes a couple hours for the average movie.

After the conversion is done, click Burn on the bottom right and it'll burn your DVD. You can burn more than one movie (or television episode) as long as they fit on the disc. The one feature Burn does not have is the ability to generate DVD menus. Honestly, I really don't care, but if you do, try Toast Titanium. The process is about the same, but you can choose a menu type.

Re: Burning movies

Sun May 25, 2008 6:23 pm

i used burn for a while before i had to clear up my drives on my macbook pro. I now use Toast by Roxio, I managed to get the files off of a friend who bought it.

Re: Burning movies

Mon May 26, 2008 12:20 am

Thank you! I'm trying it with a movie now. I hope it's going to work.
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