Got a little techonology problem that you need fixed pronto? Post it here and we'll see what we can do.
Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:41 pm
Here is what I would like to achieve:
Basically, I need a minimum 6 webpages and 2 databases I think
A home page which allows either Staff or Admin logins, and won't let you into any pages without being logged in. Database 1 to hold log in infomation.
Password Protection is the most important part of this, as it will be holding Server info for over 500 companies
The Admin Login allows you to access the database backends, to modify user details and modify company information, both via webpages to make life simple. Database 2 to hold company info.
From the staff Logon, you can either browse a complete list of companies, or do a search on them.
When browsing, or searching, the list of results needs to allow the user to click on the company and bring up a new webpage with more details.
For me, it sounds like it would take me months to write, but in my head sounds like a fairly simple task for someone who has written websites for a long time.
I would like to host on a free website rather than internally, so its viewable to members of my team outside of the office.
Can you help?
Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:01 pm
If you still require help - I would highly recommend a CMS system to do this. I use Joomla for my website, and it's highly customizable - new features can either be coded yourself, or downloaded from a free library - and it has admin/moderator functionality. It's very user-friendly for those who aren't so tech savvy.
Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:14 pm
WordPress from (the self hosted option) might also be handy for you.
I have used WordPress for a while and I absolutely love it. The community behind it is rich and vibrant and there is basically a plugin for anything that you could possibly want.
Also check out WordCast - the WordPress-centric podcast that I host - for tips and tricks on how to use WordPress and which plugins and themes are great (and free!).
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