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 Post subject: I mean me has Wii problems
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:55 am 
PPT Trainee
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Yeah, thought this was the right forum. My Controllers dont work, and when insert a disk into it (Wii OR GameCube), it gets stuck and ejects it. and no, I aint insering the disk on the wrong side. I tought that too, and flipped it reverse, but nothin happened, except the stuck...

Any help fort Wii... er... me?

I need a new sig. >_>

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:37 am 
PPT Warrior
PPT Warrior
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This may seem stupid and obvious, but maybe your controllers are out of batery? Sometimes mine go flat every couple of days. I have no idea about the disk thing, but I inserted mine in the wrong way, and didn't release for a few days, when I accidently put it in the other way.

- Go WIS!

What kind of smurfery is this?

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:54 am 
PPT Trainee
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Ric wrote:
This may seem stupid and obvious, but maybe your controllers are out of batery? Sometimes mine go flat every couple of days. I have no idea about the disk thing, but I inserted mine in the wrong way, and didn't release for a few days, when I accidently put it in the other way.

As for the batteries, thatd be a no. I tried removing my cable's controller batteries and switch to the Wiimote, and nothin. the Wiimote's battweries worked on the controller though.

And what did you do to remove the disk?

I need a new sig. >_>

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:52 pm 
PPT Warrior
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Basically, after putting a disk in the wrong way, it got stuck or something and wouldn't eject, so I had to turn off the power (turning off the Wii didn't work). Then it rejected then disk, I figured out I put it in the wrong way, thanks to the incedibly informative manual, and all were happy.

- Go WIS!

What kind of smurfery is this?

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