Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Mon Jan 01, 2007 6:48 pm

My guess is that it will take another 2 weeks at least. I don't think tnt would have done much about the plot prizes while the advent was still running. I hope they're released sooner, offcourse! :D

Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:33 pm

I just want another plot trophy. I love seeing those and am kind of disappointed I wasn't here to do the previous Desert plot and such. It was fun looking. D:

Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:52 pm

I just want a nice trophy and an avi.

Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:34 am

JCMidore wrote:I just want another plot trophy. I love seeing those and am kind of disappointed I wasn't here to do the previous Desert plot and such. It was fun looking. D:

=P I hear the plot was more frustrating than this TOW one. =D I hope they release the prizes at least THIS month.

Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:58 am

heiligeglut wrote:
Rachel wrote:
heiligeglut wrote:
Rachel wrote:i expect you'll still get a trophy or a medal of some kind however much of the plot you did - if you just did the first step you should still get something for your lookup - thats how it's worked in the past.
That's how I thought it worked. Makes me happy - I don't care much about prizes, but my poor naked lookup needs some shiny stuff.

There are some trophys that are easy to get, i'm pretty sure there's a guide on ppt somewhere...
Yeah, I've got some of those already - Cheat, Sakhmet Solitaire, Pyramids, DoN and DoN2 trophies.

Jacobyts made a very comprehensive list of all the easy-to-acquire trophies, with details on how to get them, over at the IDB. Here's a link:

Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:40 am

What is a Moquot? (Please forgive me if this has already been discussed.) In the new article, it says that Sophie turned the mayor into a Moquot. That'd be neat if they made a transformer toy: Mayor to Moquot and back again.

Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:53 am

cslewislover wrote:What is a Moquot? (Please forgive me if this has already been discussed.) In the new article, it says that Sophie turned the mayor into a Moquot. That'd be neat if they made a transformer toy: Mayor to Moquot and back again.

A moquot is a mosquito-like petpetpet:


I must have blinked - I don't remember Sophie doing that!!

EDIT: Yep, she sure did:


Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:30 am

Daze wrote:
cslewislover wrote:What is a Moquot? (Please forgive me if this has already been discussed.) In the new article, it says that Sophie turned the mayor into a Moquot. That'd be neat if they made a transformer toy: Mayor to Moquot and back again.

A moquot is a mosquito-like petpetpet:


I must have blinked - I don't remember Sophie doing that!!

EDIT: Yep, she sure did:


LoL Is Gilly attacking the Mayor?? XD

Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:49 am

LoL Is Gilly attacking the Mayor?? XD[/quote]

She didn't even take her mittens off. No wonder we kept losing to him in the battledome. :D

Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:29 am

I hope they'll give me something uber-expensive yet not-so-useful, so I can trade it away for a Blue Draik Egg. Or they can give me an ultra-powerful weapon... or better still, a Halloween Draik Egg?

By the way, there is currently no such thing as a Halloween Draik Egg, just to clear things up.

Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:31 pm

Now I'm kind of worried. So many people (at least here) did so well in the plot; I wonder if the value of the higher prizes will be lower (relative to, say, a RotL) because of it. More high scores = more top prizes being handed out = more supply = decreased value.

I was hoping for a decent weapon, or something less appealing that I could trade for a Royal PB, but I'm not sure that's going to happen, at least for me (even though I completed the entire plot).

Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:21 pm

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:ah ha...yeah...haven't gotten either one yet...my pets are too weak to defeat all those guys.

I got stuck on meuka. for some reason I just can't, can't, can't defeat him, even when I spent 500k on a weapon that does icons he doesn't block.


Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:12 pm

miz sparrow wrote:
pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:ah ha...yeah...haven't gotten either one yet...my pets are too weak to defeat all those guys.

I got stuck on meuka. for some reason I just can't, can't, can't defeat him, even when I spent 500k on a weapon that does icons he doesn't block.


Use the time honoured strategy of a freezing scroll + thick smoke bomb on first turn followed by two water muffins on the second. Fairly costly (especially if the scroll breaks - ouch) but it's worth it to get the trophy ;) I had to try it with the meerca henchmen, although I'm a million miles off beating the next one *shakes fist at the ghostkerchierf*

Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:26 am

I agree the ghostkerchief is a hard opponent to beat on low stats. The only reason I beat him was through trial and error. (Some weapons allow the ghostkerchief to perform specific actions that do not change no matter how many times you do it).

Try this awesome page for all DoN related troubles: http://home.neopets.com/~frickle

Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:59 am

miz sparrow wrote:
pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:ah ha...yeah...haven't gotten either one yet...my pets are too weak to defeat all those guys.

I got stuck on meuka. for some reason I just can't, can't, can't defeat him, even when I spent 500k on a weapon that does icons he doesn't block.


Meuka is the one I'm stuck on too...I'm not willing to spend a lot of np right now. My next goal is to get the Adam Avatar. :D
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