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Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:10 pm

You're already involved with another task -- no time for digging!

What does this mean?????

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:13 pm

I have read back over past posts but did not (or missed) any questions similar.

When you drip your potion onto the bone and it absorbs into the bone and .... nothing happens.

"Looksl ike this bone doesn't belong to the Spirit of Slumber."

Are we supposed to keep repeating the process until such time as we find a Spirit of Slumber bone?

Thank you in advance.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:13 pm

abbadonelysium wrote:You're already involved with another task -- no time for digging!

What does this mean?????

It means that you can't dig because you already have a task to do.

Did you pick up a potion? This means you must test the bones.

Or are you suppose to be getting a potion for Sophie?

You can only do 1 task at a time.

If you go back to Sophie you can see on that screen what you are doing. You can also drop the potion back if you don't want to test bones, but you will have to wait for 5 minutes if you do that.

I have read back over past posts but did not (or missed) any questions similar.

When you drip your potion onto the bone and it absorbs into the bone and .... nothing happens.

"Looksl ike this bone doesn't belong to the Spirit of Slumber."

Are we supposed to keep repeating the process until such time as we find a Spirit of Slumber bone?

The 3 tasks have been going since Friday. I don't think anyone has found the right bones. (There probably isn't any).

You just keep digging, testing or grabbing potions for Sophie. That is all this part is. It may give us "points" for the plot or it may not. o_O
Last edited by Daze on Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:14 pm

abbadonelysium wrote:You're already involved with another task -- no time for digging!

What does this mean?????

It means you probably have either a potion and are equipped to test bones or you told Sophie that you'd find some ingredients for her. Either give back the potion or find her an ingredient and you'll be able to dig again.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:15 pm

Artisticka wrote:I have read back over past posts but did not (or missed) any questions similar.

When you drip your potion onto the bone and it absorbs into the bone and .... nothing happens.

"Looksl ike this bone doesn't belong to the Spirit of Slumber."

Are we supposed to keep repeating the process until such time as we find a Spirit of Slumber bone?

Thank you in advance.

I assume so, or stop when you are tired, but it seems no one has found it yet,

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:15 pm

mercurius wrote:Wait,. .. how do you kick people out of digging?

I don't think you can kick people out of digging, but you can kick them out of testing a bone if they take too long. To do that you just keep refreshing until it says something about them taking to long. It then gives you the chance to take over.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:17 pm

mercurius wrote:Wait,. .. how do you kick people out of digging?

You don't persay, but the computer does if someone takes too long

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:36 pm

As far as I can tell, you're kicked out for two reasons. If you wait too long while it's your turn to dig, and if you try to dig too many times when it's not your turn.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:48 pm

gah - I want to dig some graves, but I'm not so sure about the internet connection here at my school. :(

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:02 pm

Hi guys,

I wanted to test some of those bones, but there's always someone who beats me to it :( Is there a trick to be first at a grave ??

Thanks :hug:

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:06 pm

Berenike wrote:Hi guys,

I wanted to test some of those bones, but there's always someone who beats me to it :( Is there a trick to be first at a grave ??

Thanks :hug:

There is no trick really. But you can try your luck by waiting at a grave that is being dug and hitting refresh. If you are lucky you may be the first to refresh once the grave is completly dug. Also you can click where someone is already testing a bone and refresh. If they take too long it will kick them out and you can then test the bone.
From what I can tell you have about three minutes to test a bone before you can be kicked out.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:11 pm

Berenike wrote:Hi guys,

I wanted to test some of those bones, but there's always someone who beats me to it :( Is there a trick to be first at a grave ??

Thanks :hug:

Just a lot of refreshing in and around gravesites. It's really annoying. I've done a lot more digging than testing.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:42 pm

darkscarlett wrote:
Berenike wrote:Hi guys,

I wanted to test some of those bones, but there's always someone who beats me to it :( Is there a trick to be first at a grave ??

Thanks :hug:

There is no trick really. But you can try your luck by waiting at a grave that is being dug and hitting refresh. If you are lucky you may be the first to refresh once the grave is completly dug. Also you can click where someone is already testing a bone and refresh. If they take too long it will kick them out and you can then test the bone.
From what I can tell you have about three minutes to test a bone before you can be kicked out.

I must have been lucky to not be kicked out. I am sure I took much longer than 3 minutes. I was on an unfamiliar computer and had to locate the calculator, then I had to find the equation here at PPT, then I was able to do the division on the calculator, but I couldn't get it to square the number so I did it by hand, then I couldn't get it to multiply the 25 so I did it by hand. Then I checked all the figures since I had tried so long to get the chance to check bones and didn't want to have to try again. So I am sure this all took much longer than 3 minutes. I would have thought closer to 10 minutes, unless I work faster than I thought. :)

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:47 pm

Arka wrote:
I must have been lucky to not be kicked out. I am sure I took much longer than 3 minutes. I was on an unfamiliar computer and had to locate the calculator, then I had to find the equation here at PPT, then I was able to do the division on the calculator, but I couldn't get it to square the number so I did it by hand, then I couldn't get it to multiply the 25 so I did it by hand. Then I checked all the figures since I had tried so long to get the chance to check bones and didn't want to have to try again. So I am sure this all took much longer than 3 minutes. I would have thought closer to 10 minutes, unless I work faster than I thought. :)

I think it will only kick you out if someone is sitting there refreshing on you. If no one comes along I think you can go forever.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:30 pm

Just look at all the graves we've desacrated. I hope we don't get chased out of the haunted woods by an angry mob of relatives or have to reburry all those folks
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