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Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:20 pm

Gah, I've been too busy to get to Neopets the past few days, though I did manage to get one name crossed off at least. I hope that counts for something. :/

All of the anagram solvers I've tried aren't churning out anything that seems to fit, but anagram solvers aren't much help when it comes to Neopets-only words.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:33 pm

Just like we had to "Fetch" something, I bet we will have to play Castle of Eliv Thade to solve this. :evil:

Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:36 pm

Inexistence wrote:Also, this is almost definitely nothing, but did the Haunted Woods part of the Explore page always say 'and beware the beast that lurks behind the tree... '?

Yeah it has for a few years (dunno since when)

Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:41 pm

Just thought of something. If you read the Neopia entry for Eliv Thade, it mentions his "servant" giving him an unsolvable puzzle. Maybe the "servant" is actually the spirit of slumber?? From the tone of the story he doesn't sound very servile. Just a thought.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:02 pm

Hm, that's an interesting thought.

Even if that's not the case, I'll bet that Eliv Thade at least knows the Spirit of Slumber. Or alternately, maybe he won't be able to help himself when we present him with our anagram, and he'll help us solve it.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:24 pm

I think that actually sounds like a really interesting thought and possibly the most accurate one I've hoped for yet.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:29 pm

:x I just tried to follow ehat I thought was a lead and no compleating elve thade on hard mode does not work

Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:29 pm

:o :o :o

Iwent to the brain tree after this finished and asked for a quest and it said this

Something has haunted!


Uh oh! It looks like all that digging up of graves has disturbed some of the more... eerie denizens of the Haunted Woods. A peace offering would be nice... or perhaps you should just RUN!!

Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:35 pm

Da_bouncer666 wrote::x I just tried to follow ehat I thought was a lead and no compleating elve thade on hard mode does not work

The sign at the last step says "To be continued" so unfortunately no new step is available.

Hopefully with the news update, we will get a new clue. :)

Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:36 pm

I was playing with the phrase "JUBART IGIG" using the anagram solver in conjunction with a simple shift cipher. Almost every shift produced zero usable ciphers (using all letters), with a few (nearly all silly and useless) exceptions. I'll give you the shift versions so you can run them through your own favorite anagram solvers.

A 24-letter shift (HSZYPRGEGE) produces the phrases:
egg zephyrs / zephyr eggs

A 20-letter shift (DOVULNCACA) produces the phrases:
a vulcan doc (spock!)
coca and luv
univocal cad

An 18-letter shift (BMTSJLAYAY) produces the phrase:
my salty jab

A 6-letter shift (PAHGXZOMOM) produced a lot of gibberish.
zap go hmm ox

I tried every shift (1 through 25) using the obscure english dictionary setting, which admittedly doesn't have many of the neopets species in it, so it may have missed some of them. However, of every shift I tried these were the only ones that had ANY results at all.

So anyway... that's a dead end, I guess.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:38 pm

someguyinazoo wrote::o :o :o

Iwent to the brain tree after this finished and asked for a quest and it said this

Something has haunted!


Uh oh! It looks like all that digging up of graves has disturbed some of the more... eerie denizens of the Haunted Woods. A peace offering would be nice... or perhaps you should just RUN!!
It's happened to everyone I've got it 18 times and we arleady talked about it

Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:02 am


Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:05 am

"Jubart Igig." Doesn't sound like most of the other names we found. Maybe it's an anagram of something... Nah.

Somehow I find that hilarious.

Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:07 am

Kess wrote:A 20-letter shift (DOVULNCACA) produces the phrases:
a vulcan doc (spock!)
coca and luv
univocal cad

I'm a big dork, but I think the phrase "univocal cad" to describe the Spirit of Slumber is amusing. :lol:

But it's Friday! A whole weekend with nothing to doooooo (Neopets-wise, I mean).

I hope we don't have to play Eliv Thade for the next step. I'm pretty dismal at it. I'm not all that bad at anagrams (short ones, anyway), but I still fail at that game lol.

Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:11 am

Daze wrote:Image

*snork* :lol:

Wish I could just plop down in a beanbag and sleep where I work.
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