Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:58 am

YES! I'm totally psyched. Finally some battling!!!! too bad it's time for bed!! :roll:

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:00 am

such stunningly weak opponents! and such LAG!!
if we get points for these kills, i'm gonna waste a lot of time. if they prove as weak as they seem, i'll be able to get several hundred kills each. but not tonight. i can't do anything tonight because of this crazy lag

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:06 am

I was about to say that the lag wasn't so bad on my end, then it started doing it. :o

Anyone have any guesses as to how points may be accumulated? For example...I'm guessing these opponents are worth only a few points each.

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:07 am

I certainly didn't expect to be fighting three different mobs of sentient stone, each about as threatening as a pet rock stuck in a tree. Maybe a sudden gust of wind might come along and be strong enough to knock it out of the tree and onto my head, but then I'd just say 'ouch' and toss it into a lake. I wonder if this is it or we'll get stronger waves of three, or perhaps just single opponents so new players can keep on breaking rocks?

I've been able to get about one round in every 3 or 4 minutes. Luckily for me one round is all I'll need for quite some time.

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:12 am

*tosses Ring of the Lost at puny pebbles*. . . .*pebbles ASPLODE!!** HAH HAH HA HA HAAAAAA . . .okay i'm going to bed. fo' rizzle this time.

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:17 am

so far i went thru 7rounds...its takin forever..but i have no where else to be :(
it does remind me of the punchinbag...
ill keep goin like the energizer bunny 8)

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:34 am

:o NOOO ...I have never battled anything...great hopefully all my other work will still pay off in some way :cry:

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:36 am

melbmummy wrote::o NOOO ...I have never battled anything...great hopefully all my other work will still pay off in some way :cry:

These guys are actually really easy to beat. I'd never battled anyone either, but I managed to beat them. Just take the plunge!

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:38 am

I cant seem to get the plot chalangers, i'm caught up through potion making and i've read all the plot chapters. Is anyone else having this problem?

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:39 am

TiCup wrote:
melbmummy wrote::o NOOO ...I have never battled anything...great hopefully all my other work will still pay off in some way :cry:

These guys are actually really easy to beat. I'd never battled anyone either, but I managed to beat them. Just take the plunge!

Same here, first time battling. They are really easy to beat. And I'm sure we'll get points for beating them! More points = better prizes, maybe...

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:40 am

B55B55 wrote:I cant seem to get the plot chalangers, i'm caught up through potion making and i've read all the plot chapters. Is anyone else having this problem?

Okay never mind i got it figured out


Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:46 am

I'm not a battledome person so this may be something simple but I have 2 pets that I sent to do some training. .. they just called one a cheat but did give me the win. The pet in nolonger on the list for fighting.. so I went ahead and fought with the other one.. now it is off the list too. I have fought all three stones 3 times.

what is going on??? Can I fix it?

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:47 am

Well i took the plunge and so far ive beat one...off to fight the second one now....

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:49 am

Small little tips: Always use the Heal Ability. It'll help ALOT. It'll also save you from losing. For me, I always use the motes, as they are not 1 use (just discovered). Whee! And I am enjoying using a gold battlecard. First time battledome = success! Yipee!

Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:53 am

done with ninth round..goin on tenth, i so need to raise stats on my pet..he can't hit worth anything :(
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