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Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:02 am

Alex wrote:I can't resist a waving white flag ;)

For the first one:
3g of Wool. Crush until Power/Div is at 264
3g of Berries. Soak until Div is at 152
Add in 6g of other ingredients

3g of Wool. Crush until Power/Div is at 260
3g of Berries. Soak until Div is at 148
Add in 6g of other ingredients

Oh bless you, those worked. :hug:

anjuna wrote:First of all, a Composite of head-banging, crankiness, and snappyness won't work. I tried it. :P All I can do is offer my example with some notes I took.

Thank you VERY much for these notes. I think I can almost see the general equation behind solving these, but after 3 (4?) rounds I think my brain is just plain tard. Time for bed, maybe. :zzz:

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:07 am

mercurius wrote:I don't know if this has been noted, but the SECOND time we have to make spectral essence, how do we get the target value if we have to crush and soak to the max? Do we have to add a different ingredient?

If your target value is +275 conjuring (is it the same for everyone? I'm not sure)
Do this:
10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
2 g Leafy Slorgblossom - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX
1 g Bloodfern - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX

Sylence gave me that, for which I owe her my soul. ^__^

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:08 am

Hi, a little help? I'm on the level with the 3 comp. I have the goo and #3, but am having a hard time making the specs match for the Spec Essence. It says that I've made Spectral Essence, but the gram weight and target value are off. Any ideas on how to fix this or can I throw it in?

EDIT: Thanks, I see the above post!
Last edited by Navar57 on Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:08 am

I haven't seen this mentioned. Is it okay to prepare the composites out of order? (So I can like make the other two while I'm waiting for all of you wonderful people to figure out the Platinum Mist? =>)

Anyway, I'm very grateful for all this help on this part. It had me completely dumbfounded from the getgo.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:10 am

Meer wrote:
mercurius wrote:I don't know if this has been noted, but the SECOND time we have to make spectral essence, how do we get the target value if we have to crush and soak to the max? Do we have to add a different ingredient?

If your target value is +275 conjuring (is it the same for everyone? I'm not sure)
Do this:
10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
2 g Leafy Slorgblossom - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX
1 g Bloodfern - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX

Sylence gave me that, for which I owe her my soul. ^__^

Thank you so much! +275 conjuring IS my target value. Now I owe you MY soul . . . ......... *runs away*

Jiffy wrote:I haven't seen this mentioned. Is it okay to prepare the composites out of order? (So I can like make the other two while I'm waiting for all of you wonderful people to figure out the Platinum Mist? =>)

Anyway, I'm very grateful for all this help on this part. It had me completely dumbfounded from the getgo.

Yes, you can make them out of order as long as you have everything right before you toss them into the cauldron.
Last edited by mercurius on Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:11 am

Holy whatever. I actually finished this part!

But there's no way I could've done that without the many guides and all-around helpful posters here. Thanks again! You guys rock! 8) May Jacko the Phantom Painter visit you many times. Or at least, may you get many friggin' sweet Haunted Woods plot prizes for your efforts.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:12 am

Jiffy wrote:I haven't seen this mentioned. Is it okay to prepare the composites out of order? (So I can like make the other two while I'm waiting for all of you wonderful people to figure out the Platinum Mist? =>)

Anyway, I'm very grateful for all this help on this part. It had me completely dumbfounded from the getgo.

I've been doing all of mine out of order and/or at the same time. That may be why I can't figure certain things out at times...heh. But it does work, ne'er the less.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:12 am

Jiffy wrote:I haven't seen this mentioned. Is it okay to prepare the composites out of order? (So I can like make the other two while I'm waiting for all of you wonderful people to figure out the Platinum Mist? =>)

Anyway, I'm very grateful for all this help on this part. It had me completely dumbfounded from the getgo.

Yeah, that's fine.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:13 am

Jiffy wrote:I haven't seen this mentioned. Is it okay to prepare the composites out of order? (So I can like make the other two while I'm waiting for all of you wonderful people to figure out the Platinum Mist? =>)

Anyway, I'm very grateful for all this help on this part. It had me completely dumbfounded from the getgo.

Yes, that is ok.

I have make all mine out of order to save time.

Iam also waiting on Platinum Mist - I have just finished the other 2.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:14 am

It's not fair!!!!!! :( :( :(

Why couldn't I have the Ice plasma instead of this dang platinum mist? WAAAH...

heading off for tylenol and to cry in a corner...

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:18 am

At least you didn't get psionic singularity, which seems to be quite rare.

Did anyone notice that making a psionic singularity would suck out all thought in a large radius?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:20 am

Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +300 +/- 1

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 1 grams of any one basic ingredient.

I'm having a bit of trouble with that one...I tried a few guides and they didn't work.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:21 am

DiscordantNote wrote:Composite #3:

Quantity: 5 grams
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +300 +/- 1
Relevant property: Enchantment
Target value: +300 +/- 1

Composite 3 cannot contain more than 1 grams of any one basic ingredient.

I'm having a bit of trouble with that one...I tried a few guides and they didn't work.

*sniff* what about our guide? :P
http://www.neopets.com/~CountCrankaroo <--- will lead you the right way

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:22 am

Maybe if I throw Gilly in the cauldron...

Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:23 am


Divination Enchantment
1 g Wool: Burn, Dessicate
1 g Root: Soak
1 g Nova: Crush
1 g Berries: Soak, Burn
1 g any random ingredient not used: Do nothing
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