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Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sat May 23, 2009 10:28 pm

Not sure which team I'll be going for this year. I was MI the first two and Shenkuu last year. Maybe I'll let their quizy thing handle it for me.
Won't have much time to play this year either. But that won't be too big a problem, based on last year's prizes.

*practices* Still got it. 1 + 3, Jelly World FTW. :D

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sun May 24, 2009 12:17 pm

Oh yeh, i'm still the champ!
I'ts still so fun to beat the crap out of the other teams.
I'll help Haunted Woods win another year.
And thanks smudgeoffudge for the the link!

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Tue May 26, 2009 8:38 am

Alrighty the basic guide page has been set up at PPT! I'm still getting some content together for this guide but I'm looking for some help with the game guides. - http://www.pinkpt.com/altador-cup-iv.htm

If anyone is good with Yooyuball, Make Some Noise, Slushie Slinger or Shootout Showdown and can spare an hour or two, it would help a lot if I could get some guides on any of these games. I'll send back a complimentary 50,000 neopoints as a thank-you for each guide.

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Fri May 29, 2009 2:55 am

Lost Desert FTW! :D I really dunno why people like Krawk Island and Shenkuu...

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Fri May 29, 2009 5:14 am

Altador Cup IV sign ups are open! - http://www.pinkpt.com/index.php?comments=1179

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Fri May 29, 2009 7:35 am

still couldn't decide- closed my eyes and pointed at the monitor randomly. Joined Krawk Island. Arrr....

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Fri May 29, 2009 11:22 am

This is my first time taking part in an Altador Cup and I have picked Roo Island.

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sat May 30, 2009 1:20 pm

I saw a few of my friends join KI, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon ;)

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sat May 30, 2009 3:09 pm

Decided that Fiorina is cuter than Tandrak Shaye. I'm supporting Meridell~

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sat May 30, 2009 9:48 pm

So I saw this

Q: Can I earn Neopoints from playing the games in the Altador Cup?
A: Yes. In addition to the "points" you are earning to be used toward prizes in (and only in) the Altador Cup Prize Shop, you will also be able to earn Neopoints for playing all of the Altador Cup games this year. The standard three score submissions per game per day will apply for earning Neopoints, but you should still continue to submit your scores after you've maxed out on Neopoints, because all the scores you send will count toward your prize shop points and your team's total!

And I thought yay.

Then I saw this

Q: Will I be able to use unused points from previous Altador Cups?
A: No. Unfortunately, it is too late to redeem old points from previous Altador Cups now.

And remember for the first time since last July the 18k points I'd decided to save for a while to see what inflated most. My thoughts are not suitable for posting on this forum.

EDIT: Apparantly the prize shop from last year is still active, yay! It turned out I only had 13k points, but I still bought myself some nice stuff.

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sun May 31, 2009 9:13 am

Toropiusu wrote:
Q: Will I be able to use unused points from previous Altador Cups?
A: No. Unfortunately, it is too late to redeem old points from previous Altador Cups now.

And remember for the first time since last July the 18k points I'd decided to save for a while to see what inflated most. My thoughts are not suitable for posting on this forum.

EDIT: Apparantly the prize shop from last year is still active, yay! It turned out I only had 13k points, but I still bought myself some nice stuff.

Thanks so much for the reminder. I had 600 points left, so I bought another jersey. i would have completely forgetten otherwise. If anyone else wants to check the link is: http://www.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/prizes.phtml
Last edited by B55B55 on Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sun May 31, 2009 5:09 pm

I joined Darigan again, and got a background.

My wife joined Maraqua and got a background AND a Keyquest token.
Wheres my token :(

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Sun May 31, 2009 7:25 pm

Altador all the way!

Oh, and thanks for the prize shop link. Being the spacy type who drifts in and out of Neopets that I am, I would have forgotten. (I don't think I've been on Neopets since last Altador cup. I sort of show up, do stuff for a few weeks, and vanish.)

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:23 am

arogance1 wrote:I joined Darigan again, and got a background.

My wife joined Maraqua and got a background AND a Keyquest token.
Wheres my token :(

Try your cabinet? It should be there.

Re: Altador Cup 4: Carpal Tunnel on the Horizon!

Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:24 am

eilu wrote:
arogance1 wrote:I joined Darigan again, and got a background.

My wife joined Maraqua and got a background AND a Keyquest token.
Wheres my token :(

Try your cabinet? It should be there.

Its there, just didn't tell me
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