Whether it be a puzzle or a war, this is the place to be for all your plot related needs.
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Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:04 am

You guys just don't get it do you. There are two points to be made:
Number 1: You guys are so addicted to this Neopets game or plot if you are waiting this long for prizes to come out.
Number 2: Neopets knows this so they purposely delay giving out prizes to have you addicted players to visit their site and in turn dock up their money. It's all a marketing scheme. Honestly, if no one visits their site and cares about prizes, then they would deliver the prizes sooner and start a new plot to distract our attention.

Solution: Don't worry about it and just lay off of Neopets for several months and check again. The prizes will be there or not.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:38 am

david0184 wrote:You guys just don't get it do you. There are two points to be made:
Number 1: You guys are so addicted to this Neopets game or plot if you are waiting this long for prizes to come out.
Number 2: Neopets knows this so they purposely delay giving out prizes to have you addicted players to visit their site and in turn dock up their money. It's all a marketing scheme. Honestly, if no one visits their site and cares about prizes, then they would deliver the prizes sooner and start a new plot to distract our attention.

Solution: Don't worry about it and just lay off of Neopets for several months and check again. The prizes will be there or not.

I don't think its a big marketing scheme to get pageviews. They're not going to earn that many extra page views by having people check the news once a day (what most people do anyway) to check if there are prizes. People will leave with or without prizes promised, nobody's going to stay just for another item or two. If people reach the "I quit forever" stage, prizes aren't going to sway them.

Additionally, they'd receive a lot more pageviews from releasing a new plot anyway, as suddenly a mass amount of people who only do their dailies and whatnot on Neo become active around the site again.

Its not a marketing ploy, its laziness. They want to put it off in favour of other stuff, so they do. They're not going to be rolling in the dough because of it.

Also, I've been addicted to Neopets for over four years now, one measly little plot and its prizes aren't going to hook me any further.

Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:17 am

david0184 wrote:You guys just don't get it do you.

You're the one who doesn't get it. Everyone here plays Neo all the time; we don't play only during plots (which you should know, since you call us "addicted" -- obviously addicted players are going to be on the site a lot no matter what). We are going to do our dailies and check the news every day whether we're waiting on plot prizes or not. Also, pageviews have actually gone down in recent weeks, probably because of all the glitches and crappy news (no new avatars, no good pet colors, nothing interesting going on in general) that we've had lately.

Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:50 am

reasonable enough.

Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:34 am

sorry, need to let this out. . .

Okay, this is getting ridiculous!! If it legitimately takes this long to calculate points and create prizes then fine, so be it, it would be worth it to wait this long for fair and adequate prizes! But for goodness sake, they already calculated how far we got in the plot, does it really take weeks to figure out who gets what? I love the game, and I know we get to play it for free, but as with any game there's no real sense of accomplishment until we have something to show for it!

it feels good just to say that.

Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:25 pm

Maybe the prizes have been delayed because of the glitches, the Greasemonkey issue etc?

Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:48 am

mercurius wrote:sorry, need to let this out. . .

Okay, this is getting ridiculous!! If it legitimately takes this long to calculate points and create prizes then fine, so be it, it would be worth it to wait this long for fair and adequate prizes! But for goodness sake, they already calculated how far we got in the plot, does it really take weeks to figure out who gets what? I love the game, and I know we get to play it for free, but as with any game there's no real sense of accomplishment until we have something to show for it!

it feels good just to say that.

When they showed us how far we got they said that they needed to "verify everyone's scores" before giving out prizes. As I feared then, that means they had to do everything they did up to that point all over again to avoid errors.

Even then though, they should be nearly done by now.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 6:37 pm

It's still aggravating though, I mean at least when we were waiting for the Altador plot prizes (the prizes that took, so far, the most amount of time from completion of plot to release date) they gave us a few things to do! And the news was interesting (more or less)

The news the last few months has been a farce really, and to be honest I'd rather get news once a week and actually have things RELEASED than every day and be teased with wonderous items we'll have to wait six months to get our hands on!

/ rant

Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:43 pm

-91 days today since the plot ended

-As of right now the wait has been 42 days more then the actual plot

-And they have spent 46 days verifying the stats that took only 45 days to calculate them the first time.

:( Truth hurts
Last edited by Penguin on Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:03 pm

Hopefully the wait will be well worth it. :)

Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:53 pm

_lexxia wrote:Hopefully the wait will be well worth it. :)

It had better be.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:35 pm

On the other hand, it certainly wasn't worth it with the Altador plot -- and they ended up giving everyone the same things anyway despite the very long wait for prizes.

It does make me wonder what they're up to and why the long wait, since it doesn't seem to be related to difficulty with determining prizes (cf. Altador, above.)

I actually wonder if it doesn't have something to do with user retention. There are usually fairly long gaps between the actual plots, but the gap between recieving the prizes from the last plot and the start of the next plot is much smaller. I'm wondering if this is a way to shorten the "dead" time between plots and thus lower the number of users who get bored and quit the site: the promise of prizes keeps them arounf, and then after the prizes are handed out and enjoyed there isn't as long to wait until the next plot starts up again.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:58 pm

But whats the point of substituting one dead time for another?

Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:58 pm

Because I suspect people who participated in the plot are less likely to quit before they get their prizes than after they get their prizes, so they can see what they get.

This is all just idle speculation, mind.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 12:15 am

bgryph wrote:Because I suspect people who participated in the plot are less likely to quit before they get their prizes than after they get their prizes, so they can see what they get.

This is all just idle speculation, mind.

I can tell you, I've pretty much quit for now. I keep hanging around just in case the plot prizes are any good, but I sure as hell am not playing the site. xD;
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