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Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:33 am

My thoughts:

- I can't tell if I'm just overstressed and exhausted, or if this is WAY harder than anything I've ever had to do for a Neo plot before.

- Why do the coordinates on the gravitics test have to be tiny white text on a white line? Sooo hard to read!!

- I can't believe they tell you who screwed up each time. Isn't that just a recipe for Neohatemail? :D
Last edited by beanmommy on Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:42 am

I'm glad my mathematics explanation has served such a good cause. ^_^

beanmommy wrote:- I can't believe they tell you who screwed up each time. Isn't that just a recipe for Neohatemail? :D

This is Sloth's real master plan. He's going to turn us all against one another and let us kill ourselves before striking when those who remain standing are at their weakest.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:53 am

beanmommy wrote:- Why do the coordinates on the gravitics test have to be tiny white text on a white line? Sooo hard to read!!

Sorry... that might be my fault*... (0,0) and (400,0) were the first two "nice" points people thought of when everyone was racing to be first to finish - most other choices would produce a possibility of getting two possible answers.

You can use (0,400) and (400,400), which I think won't have the white-on-white problem, but you'd have to change the math a bit. I think you can just do x = 400-(oldx) and y = 400-(oldy).

*(Well, probably, others independently came up with the exact same two initial points too. But I'm surprised that nobody at least did (0,0) and then (0,400) instead of (400,0).)

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:28 am

So, totally not related to the actual testing (which is much better in groups now that we all know what's going on), BUT...

Has anyone noticed that we've essentially got the angry yurble again? YRB-X1 "Yurbot"?

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:34 am

Yeah...but he's not really that angry...lol You think we'll get him every plot now?

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:49 am

butterflygirl wrote:Yeah...but he's not really that angry...lol You think we'll get him every plot now?

I dunno, have you read the danger warnings?
DANGER: Such identification is mandatory and failure to comply may result in your unplanned evacuation through an airlock.
DANGER: Non-useful participants are routinely collected and compacted into standard-sized cubes for disposal.

Seems akin to being angry. At least, sort of. :P

Or this one, when you mess up at the singularity:
ERROR: Your clumsiness has caused you to be crushed by the tidal forces generated by so many singularities in close proximity. Perhaps you should be more careful so as to avoid future gravitically-induced injuries.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:22 pm

Pickles wrote:Has anyone noticed that we've essentially got the angry yurble again? YRB-X1 "Yurbot"?

I've noticed this myself. I was like, "Hmmmm, a yurble bot." It seems like a tradition ya know.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:02 pm

Lee wrote:
Pickles wrote:Has anyone noticed that we've essentially got the angry yurble again? YRB-X1 "Yurbot"?

I've noticed this myself. I was like, "Hmmmm, a yurble bot." It seems like a tradition ya know.

Yeah, well, ya know, there's ALWAYS one....(yurble)

[/lamee joke]

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:17 pm

I knew something would undo all of my hard work in the Battledome. -_- I was terrible at this part in the Tale of Woe Plot... -prods- Got thrown off a lot of Graves. -prods- At least in the Tale of Woe Plot getting the right potions from Sophie's Place wasn't pure random-ness (like finding the Singularities) or pure mathematics (like the Rod smelting-ness). I've just been guestimating the Rods and I'm too scared to go near the Multi-Player part. Baaad memories. I have Broadband now but... with all this Maths stuff. Urk. >.< I shouldn't be complaining too much though, I have made two Rods and found one Singularity. -nods to self- Regardless... I'd better kiss my weekend goodbye. :P

I must be watching too many repeats - all of these faux-scientific-terms-stuff is so Codename: Kids Next Door. o.o;; Heh.

-prods- Instead of mutating Neopia into monsters... Dr Sloth seems to be mutating the personalities of Neopia into monsters. Divide and conqueror and all of that. He must have been studying a degree in Psychology all of these years when he was away or something. It's the only explanation... dare I say he was at NeoSchool and that's why we couldn't find him? -ponders- Nah. He probably did one of those Home-Courses or something... much more flexible for an guy planning world domination. No restraining timetables. :P

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:58 pm

butterflygirl wrote:Yeah...but he's not really that angry...lol You think we'll get him every plot now?

He's not until you get this message:
* ERROR: Your lack of attention to the task at hand has resulted in your displacement from this testing station! My anger circuits have again entered an extreme state of flux! You are advised to flee immediately before my rage instantiates itself as physical violence.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:02 pm

I love the angry Yurbot. <3

I actually find the math parts of the testing to be really easy, because all I have to do is plug numbers into an excel sheet. Ironically the hardest step for me is the one with no math, the heat test. It's so hard to get those darn rods in exactly the right place. And half the time you get it exactly right but it's still wrong somehow.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:25 pm

I'm using a method that angisfab told us about in the chat room for the rod test:

Extend the rod to a point where the outer tip of the curved end (the outer point of the meniscus, if you will), is directly below the smallest flashing dots. You should be able to draw a straight vertical line from the tip of the curved portion through the smallest outer flashing dots.

It seems to work about 9 times out of 10.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:32 pm

Pickles wrote:
butterflygirl wrote:Yeah...but he's not really that angry...lol You think we'll get him every plot now?

I dunno, have you read the danger warnings?
DANGER: Such identification is mandatory and failure to comply may result in your unplanned evacuation through an airlock.
DANGER: Non-useful participants are routinely collected and compacted into standard-sized cubes for disposal.

Seems akin to being angry. At least, sort of. :P

Or this one, when you mess up at the singularity:
ERROR: Your clumsiness has caused you to be crushed by the tidal forces generated by so many singularities in close proximity. Perhaps you should be more careful so as to avoid future gravitically-induced injuries.

I got a message mentioning foremen and janitors. :)
Juppie Oaks Singularity Farms® disclaims all liability regarding the use or misuse of its Singrowlarity®-brand singularity-generation fields or its Singrowlarity®-brand singularities. Any injuries incurred on the part of those using Juppie Oaks Singularity Farms® Singrowlarity®-brand singularity-generation fields or Singrowlarity®-brand singularities are not the fault or responsibility of Juppie Oaks Singularity Farms® or its subsidiaries, employees, shareholders, customers, janitors, or foremen. All rights reserved, void where prohibited. Juppie Oaks Singularity Farms® is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sloth Industries.

Re: Return of Dr. Sloth [Split 10]

Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:50 pm

MagicalMystery wrote:I knew something would undo all of my hard work in the Battledome. -_- I was terrible at this part in the Tale of Woe Plot... -prods- Got thrown off a lot of Graves. -prods- At least in the Tale of Woe Plot getting the right potions from Sophie's Place wasn't pure random-ness (like finding the Singularities) or pure mathematics (like the Rod smelting-ness). I've just been guestimating the Rods and I'm too scared to go near the Multi-Player part. Baaad memories. I have Broadband now but... with all this Maths stuff. Urk. >.< I shouldn't be complaining too much though, I have made two Rods and found one Singularity. -nods to self- Regardless... I'd better kiss my weekend goodbye. :P

I must be watching too many repeats - all of these faux-scientific-terms-stuff is so Codename: Kids Next Door. o.o;; Heh.

-prods- Instead of mutating Neopia into monsters... Dr Sloth seems to be mutating the personalities of Neopia into monsters. Divide and conqueror and all of that. He must have been studying a degree in Psychology all of these years when he was away or something. It's the only explanation... dare I say he was at NeoSchool and that's why we couldn't find him? -ponders- Nah. He probably did one of those Home-Courses or something... much more flexible for an guy planning world domination. No restraining timetables. :P

The lag was the worst part last time... This time the multiplayer part is all done through flash so there's no page refreshing. It's a bit intimidating at first, but it's kind of fun once you get the hang of it.

And of course Sloth is going for divide and conqure tactics. The less of us he has to deal with at a time, the easier it is to take over. That's also why we're having the daily dare now: to keep us distracted and busy with other things.

MayEdit: New thread - click
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