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Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:08 pm

How long do you have to wait when Sophie puts you in time out?

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:08 pm

OMG! I love graveyards! I just found the paintbrush!!!! I love this plot!!

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:09 pm

ravenangelpr wrote:How long do you have to wait when Sophie puts you in time out?

usually about 5 minutes.

I love this plot too -- wish I could get a paintbrush!

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:10 pm

siouxper wrote:
mariarpo wrote:im a bit confused... i've already dug 1 grave .. at the end it said this grave has already been dug? i have to keep on digging graves until what?

Until you want to stop. No one knows when to stop or what to do next.

EDIT: I just found a Halloween PB!!!!!! YES!!!! WHOOO!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
CONGRATS!! lucky....
ok so i keep on digging just to try luck and find something as the halloeween pb? and should i try the other 2 things? the bone testing and the other one?

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:12 pm

Sylence wrote:slorgs are attached and its 90 days I beleive for that avi. and if you havent gotten the crystal ball avi I think you have to have a crystal ball object in yer inventory and then visit the mystical kau from the LDP plot.

Actully, the crystal ball avatar is just visting any pink kau.

As for those people who got Halloween Paint Brushes... :cry: I want one too!!! :cry:

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:22 pm



my hubby just found a slorg and then a halloween pb he is dancing around the living room -lol- man this is kinda spiffy fun isnt it? and as for time out I'd think 5-10 minutes maybe?

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:26 pm

I love digging up graves. I find so many cool things in the dirt. I still haven't been able to test any bones yet. I've done the other two tasks though.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:27 pm

thanks Sylence :D

right anyone know which grave yards are reativly empty?

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:27 pm

do we have to do the otehr 2 things??

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:28 pm

Everyone who has got a Halloween PB is sooooo lucky!!!!!!

Well, I am of to do some more digging.

By the way, I dig a grave, then soend 5 mins on this board whilst i wait for my "time-out" and then I repeat. I have endless fetch stamps and spooky doughnuts now!

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:29 pm

Okay, erm, I'm really lost. How do you...find other people to dig? How does it work? I can't seem to understand the instructions, and looking some previous posts doesn't help... o_O

So right now I'm wandering around in this graveyard and clicking wherever I can...and I really don't know what to do.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:31 pm

yesterday, someone posted that they got a prize after 20 graves.. has anyone else noticed this..

I haven't been counting my graves.. but I don't think I have reached 20 yet.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:33 pm

tinikidi wrote:Okay, erm, I'm really lost. How do you...find other people to dig? How does it work? I can't seem to understand the instructions, and looking some previous posts doesn't help... o_O

So right now I'm wandering around in this graveyard and clicking wherever I can...and I really don't know what to do.

i had the same problem initially. go into a graveyard and look for a headstone that has not got a hole (or a pile of dirt) in front of it. click on it to enter that grave, scroll down there should eb a button to click saying join the diggers, then press the wait button until 3 other people come. once there are 4 people one person will be highlighted in pink, continue to press the wait button until it is you highlighted in pink, then scroll down and press dig. repeat until you get to the coffin and it gives you a message saying the grave has been dug.

sometimes its worth checking the grves that only have a small pile of dirt as they may have a space for a digger if someone else got kicked out.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:34 pm

When you go in you will see question marks. If you want to say click join the diggers. Then wait. Click the wait button every so often to see if new people joined in.

When 4 people join in you can start helping to dig.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:34 pm

tinikidi wrote:Okay, erm, I'm really lost. How do you...find other people to dig? How does it work? I can't seem to understand the instructions, and looking some previous posts doesn't help... o_O

So right now I'm wandering around in this graveyard and clicking wherever I can...and I really don't know what to do.

I suggest going to JellyNeo's guide as they have really clear pictures. I was really confused before and now I understand perfectly. PPt always are up to date and explain them well but they lack pictures which can lead to confusion

mariarpo wrote:do we have to do the otehr 2 things??

There are three jobs you can do.

1.Digging up graves

2.Finding potion ingrediants

3.Testing Bones

PPT give a full walkthrough for this at the beginning of this thread.

Hope that helps.
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