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Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:42 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:Ummm...I think I marked a grave without realizing it...I didn't copy/paste...what should I do?

Go through the shelves until you get the book with the names in it and I hope for your sake that there's only the one name left. If there's more than one... just take a guess and hope for the best.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:48 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:Ummm...I think I marked a grave without realizing it...I didn't copy/paste...what should I do?

Find the right book (day), and then click a link in it (remember there are page arrows on the bottom). Most of them only have one name now, so you've got a pretty good shot at getting it right anyway.

Or go to File -> Work Offline and click "back" until you find it.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:56 am

So it's still going, the gravemapping? Great! I thought it would be over by now - it must have been 24 hours.

....but I'm slightly confused. How come there are gaps, and then suddenly it's down again? Are they adding graveyards in random places now, or something?

Either way, looks like it's slowing down, to me..

ETA: I stand corrected. The gaps are still weird, but people are jumping in faster than ever. o.O

Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:58 am

The books aren't working now...does that mean I lost the chance to do it?

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:03 am

Ecstacy wrote:but I'm slightly confused. How come there are gaps, and then suddenly it's down again? Are they adding graveyards in random places now, or something?

I think it's because they remove graveyards from the list when they're completely marked/all names are crossed off, but now they're waiting for a few to finish then adding 5 or so graveyards at once. Which is a lot better than before when a graveyard was removed then replaced straight away.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:09 am

kentieness wrote:
Ecstacy wrote:but I'm slightly confused. How come there are gaps, and then suddenly it's down again? Are they adding graveyards in random places now, or something?

I think it's because they remove graveyards from the list when they're completely marked/all names are crossed off, but now they're waiting for a few to finish then adding 5 or so graveyards at once. Which is a lot better than before when a graveyard was removed then replaced straight away.

Sweet - so much better than before! :D Now I think heaps more people stand a chance.

Oh, and I just got one for the month of Storing - we're obviously close, cause I seem to have the very last person.

...On the other hand, not likely, because I'm sure after getting through thousands there'd be more than four pages per book. :P

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:10 am

It's good that they are releasing a few graveyards in one go each time - it's actually much easier tonight to get a grave...yesterday it was closed to impossible!

I think someone said earlier is right, I think TNT intentionally shows a lot of names being crossed out on the books to make us feel that we are close to the end for this part of the plot....

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:13 am

I just realised, they're not all at the bottom this time. Are they mixing them in with the others, now, or something? Cause I'm sure that'll be great for some, but it makes it harder for me... lol. ^^;

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:14 am

i'm liking the adding of groups of graveyards. if you note the last yard on the list as you refresh, when they add the next batch of yards click on the first one after the old list. the first two tend to be the least contested.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:22 am

Ecstacy wrote:I just realised, they're not all at the bottom this time. Are they mixing them in with the others, now, or something? Cause I'm sure that'll be great for some, but it makes it harder for me... lol. ^^;

You need to note down the name of the last graveyard at the bottom right before you refresh - and if after refreshes you see new addition, find the name that you marked down and everything under that name are all new additions....

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:26 am

bluehypnosis wrote:
Ecstacy wrote:I just realised, they're not all at the bottom this time. Are they mixing them in with the others, now, or something? Cause I'm sure that'll be great for some, but it makes it harder for me... lol. ^^;

You need to note down the name of the last graveyard at the bottom right before you refresh - and if after refreshes you see new addition, find the name that you marked down and everything under that name are all new additions....

Yes, I've noticed that, except that occasionally the graveyard list will refill and the same ones as before are all at the bottom. That's what I've been trying to say. That even though some are added, it isn't always at the bottom.

ETA: Oh, I think I've figured it out. Nevermind. ^^; Maybe they just even the lists out or something. Weird.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:44 am

Horray! I've finally been able to successfully mark a grave. Now I can rest at peace. I was so worried that I wouldn't have something to show for this part of the plot, even though I did try.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:55 am

YAY! I found one! Which shelf is for the month of running?

nm...found it! So happy :D can go to sleep with a smile on my face now! Thanks again to all the wonderful people who come up with the walkthroughs!

Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:13 am

Ahh, got the hang of it. Managed to mark 6 so far (3 of them were from the same graveyard :lol: )

Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:32 am

Wow... I've done SO many of them in the last hour... I'm actually really shocked.
My new method is to insert myself into the middle of a row.
I've written down what shelves are what (for now, that is) so I'm doing the six around me fairly quickly (until that stupid Yurble shows up)

If all goes as I think it might (hope, I mean), this should end tonight, so the next step can come out tomorrow.

Edit: (I really don't want to sound like I'm bragging, I really don't) I think I just did about a quarter of a graveyard, when a WHOLE LOT of them showed up at once I grabbed the second new one down... everybody went to the lowest new one, apparently... I hope they count the number of graves dug/ingredients run/bones tested/names marked because I haven't been keeping track and I'm really interested in knowing.
Last edited by psyco_chick32 on Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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