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Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:18 am

Too funny, someone else is/was "slumbering" there at 5:08. That must be one cumfy beanbag chair :lol:

Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:56 am

Kess wrote:I'm a big dork, but I think the phrase "univocal cad" to describe the Spirit of Slumber is amusing. :lol:

I liked this one as well: jura big git. I can imagine Gilly saying that the the Spirit of Slumber!

Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:57 am

LOL... I work at Crayola and we have a whole room full of those bean bag chairs. It's our big "meeting room"... usually followed by watergun fights or a bean-bag stack to dive on. Still, I'd rather work for Neopets... we were invited to partner with them a few years ago, but I think our directors denied the request... such a darn shame.

I know we're just waiting on the next step, but I took the names Hubert Nox and Jubart Igig and put them into a cryptogram solver, which came up with some interesting results, such as Jubart Igig = "Buried Papa". :o


Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:16 am

ahhh when are they going to update??? im bored.

Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:23 am

Dont get your hopes up. Its not even guaranteed theyre updating the plot

Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:10 am

The update is up! What do we do?? o_O

Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:13 am

I feel like we're missing a page in the comic. Or a really, really big step. :oops:

Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:33 am

My combo to make bruno puffy was crushed leafy crushed bumroot.
Apparently nothing happened when i added the first crushed

Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:34 am

I got to the salt but I cant figure the combination.

Sophie's Shack

View quest items


Okay, this time for sure. Drink it down, Bruno!

I hope this one at least tastes better than last time.


Yecch! Too much salt. Or possibly not enough.


Aww, I always wanted a little brother.

I live for the sake of your amusement, sister.

He's not going to stay that small, is he?

No, no, almost... probably... not.


Perhaps... yes! I've got it. I'll have to use a different potion base again, but this one's sure to work... if we put in the right ingredients... and it doesn't explode.


Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:44 am

I got the salt, how many more potions are there?

Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:48 am

Hehe, I got it with Leafy then Bumroot


Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:56 am

After talking to others it was suggested that there might be a color progression that might be the same. Is anyone else seeing red->green->blue->purple->black->pink->multi(4) on step 2 (maybe red ->blue-> green on step one)?

Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:07 am

to complete this next part is very simple, as you just need to click all the options in the right order to go to the next colour. the list is as follows (with stops inbetween potion mixups and new ingredients)...

1. red (start)
2. green
3. blue
4. purple (1st stop)
5. black
6. pink
7. rainbow (2nd stop)
8. green and yellow
9. shiny purple
10. silver and red (finish)

[edit]mixed up red and green at the beginning. :D and this was the colour movement for me at least. may be different for everyone. will find out in the long run. *fingers crossed*

Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:20 am

Followed the above color progression and it worked for me...I think we have a solution :)

Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:24 am

The required color sequence for me was red->blue->purple->pink->rainbow->swirly->dark purple->red & white (the solution). Plagatus confirms that her minimum sequence was the same. (Yes, it only took 7 ingredients. There's more than one way to reach the solution--you can skip colors.)

A given ingredient always has the same effect when added to a given color. For example, adding bumroot to a red potion always turned it blue for me. Suggested steps:

1) Try each ingredient until you get one that takes you from red to blue. Make a note of it--you'll always use it first.

2) Try each ingredient to find one that takes you from blue to purple. If an ingredient takes you to red, start back with your first ingredient. If it takes you to green, find an ingredient that will take you back to blue (make a note of it, so you can get back to blue more easily next time). Once you note your blue->purple ingredient, you can proceed to the next color.

3) Repeat these steps for each color in the sequence. If you get off the path, just click an ingredient until the potion boils over so you can restart the process.
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