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Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:43 pm

It says on scouts_promise 's page that when adding Comp. 1 and 2 into the cauldron, I should click both, making sure there is a red arrow under both, before tossing them in. This is something that all guides I've seen before have failed to mention and since "scout" has this information in parentheses with an exclamation, something tells me this is an important thing to do.

Trying again with their advice. Hopefully it works, if it does, then I know which guide not to use anymore. :)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:46 pm

Katy wrote:Can someone please, please help me with what I'm doing wrong?

These are my values:


And these are the composites I made:


And this is the result:


I've tried this twice now, so I think I must be missing something, but what? :cry:

I think it could be because one of your other values is higher than your needed value. Although someone told me that the others dont matter. But, I had a similar problem in level two, the numbers for what I needed were correct, but for example my power was way higher than enchantment that I needed.. so Ithink that made it bubble over. I could be wrong, but just what I noticed.. see if you can make the other numbers you dont need lower than the ones you do and see if that helps!

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:47 pm

Katy wrote:Can someone please, please help me with what I'm doing wrong?

These are my values:


And these are the composites I made:


And this is the result:


I've tried this twice now, so I think I must be missing something, but what? :cry:

try to get it in closer is my only advice, there are a lot of guides for things you can do on levels 3/4/5

Relevant property: Power
Target value: +78 +/- 3
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +81 +/- 3

3g Bumroot: Do nothing
3g Leafy Slorgblossom: Burn, Crush, Soak, Dessicate
3g Bagguss Pulp: Burn, Crush, Soak
3g Sharpgrass: Burn, Crush, Soak, Dessicate
Relevant property: Power
Target value: +83 +/- 3
Relevant property: Divination
Target value: +81 +/- 3

3g Sharpgrass: Burn, Crush, Soak, Dessicate
3g Baggus Pulp: Burn, Crush, Soak
3g Leafy Slorblossom: Burn, Crush, Dessicate, Soak
3g Bumroot: Soak for 171 seconds - until Power is at 7 and Divination is at 13

are two I found on a site, and while they are not your EXACT numbers maybe toying with an ingredient or two can bring you closer to your numbers?

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:51 pm

Flipsyde wrote:It says on scouts_promise 's page that when adding Comp. 1 and 2 into the cauldron, I should click both, making sure there is a red arrow under both, before tossing them in. This is something that all guides I've seen before have failed to mention and since "scout" has this information in parentheses with an exclamation, something tells me this is an important thing to do.

Trying again with their advice. Hopefully it works, if it does, then I know which guide not to use anymore. :)

I have never needed to do this.

Katy: Your power is too low - it's probably something like 79.9 rounded up. Hit 81, at least.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:52 pm

I am a strong advocate for the "Jurpleberry method" lol
I used it for my Comp for Step 4 and the 300/300 comp in Step 5. It made things so much easier.

Step 4: I used two samples of 6g of Jurpleberry, and ended up being able to make the first property 180 and calculated the value needed in the other sample to something like 28, so it was eay to get those values. Then the other property was 0 & 140, and since it was about 1 point every 4 seconds was able to calculate how many seconds I needed to keep it crushing.
So I split the 6g samples into 3g samples and made the new Comp. :)

Step 5: Took 5g Babaa Wool, figured that burning would give me my two properties, then burned to max and split the 5g into 2g, 1g, 1g, 1g and made a new Comp out of one of the 1g samples. I then split the 2g, and added all together....:D

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:58 pm

okamotosan18 wrote:I am a strong advocate for the "Jurpleberry method" lol
I used it for my Comp for Step 4 and the 300/300 comp in Step 5. It made things so much easier.

Step 4: I used two samples of 6g of Jurpleberry, and ended up being able to make the first property 180 and calculated the value needed in the other sample to something like 28, so it was eay to get those values. Then the other property was 0 & 140, and since it was about 1 point every 4 seconds was able to calculate how many seconds I needed to keep it crushing.
So I split the 6g samples into 3g samples and made the new Comp. :)

Step 5: Took 5g Babaa Wool, figured that burning would give me my two properties, then burned to max and split the 5g into 2g, 1g, 1g, 1g and made a new Comp out of one of the 1g samples. I then split the 2g, and added all together....:D

So you used the stuff in step 4 plus step 5 for the composite in 5? Just curious because it says you cant have more tha n1g of each item :)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:58 pm

Katy wrote:Can someone please, please help me with what I'm doing wrong?

These are my values:

And these are the composites I made:

And this is the result:

I've tried this twice now, so I think I must be missing something, but what? :cry:

You and me both :(

Maybe Neopets has partly disabled this? That would be lame....

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:01 pm

I'm still thinking that it's a rounding problem. Just try to get your values are close to the ones needed as you can...just because there are ranges doesn't mean you have to be on the edge of them; it seems too risky.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:02 pm

I agree, cenials is WONDERFUL. Actually, all the values are entered into the sheet, all you have to do is mess around with quantities and duration of action done, and try to get as close as possible to your required value.

It's still a bit messy, but a more updated version is here. :)

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:05 pm

Could this be the rounding thing raising its ugly head?

I notice your power requirement is withing 3 of 83, and your finished composite says it has a power of 80.

The finished composite rounds each property before it displays it, but I read here eariler that it doesn't round it before it calculates whether it's within the acceptable range.

So if your power is really 79.8, then the finished composition will read "80" just as though it were correct, but then fail to work because 79.8 is not within 3 of 83.

I think not all the online guides knew about this when they did their math, thus some of them might be wrong. I'd try it again closer to 83 this time so there can be no question that it's within the proper range.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:06 pm

Still not a single Psionic Singularity? I think nova essence and madvine are the most likely ingredients, but I can't think of a likely third if there is one. Yay! More random potion making.

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:08 pm

My case was totally skipped... *sigh*

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:09 pm

Anyone have a good recipie for the 300/300 composite? :)

Duke, what do you have and what are you trying to get? I'll try to help

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:13 pm

catolytemel wrote:Anyone have a good recipie for the 300/300 composite? :)

Duke, what do you have and what are you trying to get? I'll try to help

By skipped I do mean I posted it already :) 2nd page of this thread, post right before the one with images in it...

And I probably have to give up anyways... I don't have the time to waste doing that one again.

If it's a rounding problem, its the spectral essence probably.

I had to dessicate 1 gram of the bloodvine or whatever a small bit to get the value down from 277 to 276... I probably needed a bit more...

Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:16 pm

Duke of Earl wrote:.... Someone please tell me what I did wrong:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/ ... OSCR47.png

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/ ... OSCR46.png

Quantity: 23 grams
Conjuring: +275
Divination: +53
Enchantment: +21
Power: +412

The formula is:

10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
10 g Bloodfern - Soaked and Crushed MAX
2 g Leafy Slorgblossom - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX
1 g Bloodfern - Soaked, Crushed, and Desicatted MAX

try this for your spectral essence please. discard your present one. what ya got to lose?
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