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Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:35 pm

purplecatlover2003 wrote:
tinikidi wrote:Okay, erm, I'm really lost. How do you...find other people to dig? How does it work? I can't seem to understand the instructions, and looking some previous posts doesn't help... o_O

So right now I'm wandering around in this graveyard and clicking wherever I can...and I really don't know what to do.

i had the same problem initially. go into a graveyard and look for a headstone that has not got a hole (or a pile of dirt) in front of it. click on it to enter that grave, scroll down there should eb a button to click saying join the diggers, then press the wait button until 3 other people come. once there are 4 people one person will be highlighted in pink, continue to press the wait button until it is you highlighted in pink, then scroll down and press dig. repeat until you get to the coffin and it gives you a message saying the grave has been dug.

sometimes its worth checking the grves that only have a small pile of dirt as they may have a space for a digger if someone else got kicked out.

Thanks. Well, right know I can see headstones not being dug on, but I can't click on them. Why is that?

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:37 pm

manatemuse wrote:yesterday, someone posted that they got a prize after 20 graves.. has anyone else noticed this..

I haven't been counting my graves.. but I don't think I have reached 20 yet.

Not that I know of, I'm over 100 and havnt gotten anything extra.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:37 pm

mariarpo wrote:do we have to do the otehr 2 things??

There are three jobs you can do.

1.Digging up graves

2.Finding potion ingrediants

3.Testing Bones

PPT give a full walkthrough for this at the beginning of this thread.

Hope that helps.[/quote] thanks but what i would like to know is if we have to do the three things?

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:37 pm

tinikidi wrote:
purplecatlover2003 wrote:
tinikidi wrote:Okay, erm, I'm really lost. How do you...find other people to dig? How does it work? I can't seem to understand the instructions, and looking some previous posts doesn't help... o_O

So right now I'm wandering around in this graveyard and clicking wherever I can...and I really don't know what to do.

i had the same problem initially. go into a graveyard and look for a headstone that has not got a hole (or a pile of dirt) in front of it. click on it to enter that grave, scroll down there should eb a button to click saying join the diggers, then press the wait button until 3 other people come. once there are 4 people one person will be highlighted in pink, continue to press the wait button until it is you highlighted in pink, then scroll down and press dig. repeat until you get to the coffin and it gives you a message saying the grave has been dug.

sometimes its worth checking the grves that only have a small pile of dirt as they may have a space for a digger if someone else got kicked out.

Thanks. Well, right know I can see headstones not being dug on, but I can't click on them. Why is that?

You have to be adjacent to them. Try and get opposite them or to theb left or right of them

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:37 pm

Has anyone found the Spirit of Slumber? I've tested over 20 bones and no luck. Today has been horrid though, haven't been able to test one bone yet.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:38 pm

mariarpo wrote:
mariarpo wrote:do we have to do the otehr 2 things??

There are three jobs you can do.

1.Digging up graves

2.Finding potion ingrediants

3.Testing Bones

PPT give a full walkthrough for this at the beginning of this thread.

Hope that helps.
thanks but what i would like to know is if we have to do the three things?[/quote]

Im not sure. To be safe, i would do one of each thing preferably three

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:40 pm

Thanks! ...lol I forgot about the take-turns-to-dig thing. I got kicked out. :(

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:45 pm

I am finding digging not as fun today- too many times I am kicked out because of the lag or one of the other diggers is and we have to wait until somebody else shows up.

I, too, want to do all three tasks. I couldn't do the testing on my dial up after almost 30 tries, but I was able to do it on my mother's cable connection after 3 tries. I took somebody's suggestion and stayed with a partially dug grave and kept clicking "wait" until the digging was finished.

I'd like to find the potion now but need to wait until more are needed.

I'd like fo find the PB, too, but it is so frustrating to dig with the lag that I am going to wait to see if it gets better.

eta: Whoop! I found the potion. Thank you PPT"ers for the list of potions!
Last edited by Arka on Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:46 pm

I'm glad TNT put the pile of bones to indicated how excavated a graveyard is. It's very handy! I've dug over 100 graves with no great prize.

Over 50 Ghost Marshmallows :(

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:52 pm

Where are most of you digging right now? I just got to 54446ZU and it is totally empty...a few graves in front have started and that's it. Any diggers want to have a go? Let me know where you'd like to start & I'll see you there. :D

EDIT: open spot keeps coming at (10,4)

EDIT: ARRGGH!! That is the first time Firefox has ever froze on me! My apologies to anyone from the thread if you were in that group. hmmm, guess lines are a bit busy today
Last edited by Navar57 on Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 7:57 pm

Navar57 wrote:Where are most of you digging right now? I just got to 54446ZU and it is totally empty...a few graves in front have started and that's it. Any diggers want to have a go? Let me know where you'd like to start & I'll see you there. :D

I'm cooooming...I have to wait though, just finished digging one grave. Too many spooky doughnuts.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:02 pm

So far I have...

9 Spooky Doughnuts
2 Ghost Marshmellows
3 Fetch! Stamps
2 Meowclops Statues
2 Sludgies
1 Slorg
1 Halloween Wocky Plushie
1 Halloween Ixi Plushie
1 Mystery of Halloween

Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:05 pm

OK, so what is it that people have found digging so far?
I thought I'd make a list:

Halloween PB
Halloween Ixi Plushie
Halloween Wocky Plushie
Ghost Marshmallows
Meowclops Statue
Spooky Doughnut
Fetch! Stamp
Mystery of Halloween
Magic Ghost Marshmellows
Last edited by Timekill on Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:05 pm

Rat wrote:So far I have...

9 Spooky Doughnuts
2 Ghost Marshmellows
3 Fetch! Stamps
2 Meowclops Statues
2 Sludgies
1 Slorg
1 Halloween Wocky Plushie
1 Halloween Ixi Plushie
1 Mystery of Halloween

yeah I have

13 Spooky Doughbuts
17 Ghost Marshmellows
5 Fetch stamps
3 Meowclops Statues
1 Sludgy
1 halloween Ixi Plushie
1 Mystery of Halloween
1 Magic Ghost Marshmellows

Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:11 pm

I think my sdb will explode from alla these doughnuts -hehe- but its a nice way to shower people for halloween, bury them in doughnuts -bol!- or make them a stamp costume, anyone else find anything surprisingly good?
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